madamesilverspurs's Journal"senator"
For what it's worth
just heard someone on TV (didn't catch his name) saying that McCain's vote was intended to save the Republican party, that history will view him as the hero who saved the party from itself.
'Scuse me, I have to go pry my head out of the bucket.
Poor Mitch. He was planning to smirk and swagger. Instead, it was pout and mumble.
Mitch haz a sad.
He was sooo looking forward to viciously brutalizing millions of Americans who don't have the resources to fight back. He's right that Americans are suffering; but he could fix that by resigning and letting that seat go to someone who actually gives a damn about this country.
Republicans have both houses of congress and the White House. AND WE WON THIS ONE!!!
Here's to us and our phone calls and our faxes and our emails and our letters and our protests.
Mike Enzi is a rude bastard.
Just sayin'...
Edit to add: He's on Cspan2 berating Obama and O'care and being a jerk to everyone.
He's also one of the reasons that it's sometimes quite unpleasant to live downwind from Wyoming.
"Health Care Freedom Act."
What is it with Republicans and their penchant for labeling bills with names that have nothing to do with the intent of the bill? Witness the "Health Care Freedom Act." WHAT?? The freedom to suffer and die without having to endure the unbearable burden of access to a doctor?
This is asinine. This is absurd. This is demented.
The Republican party has cast off any pretense of human decency. Listen to them as they speak about their plans regarding health care. This is the first time, in my memory anyway, that there has been such a determined effort to take a benefit away from Americans; and they are doing this with the full knowledge that MILLIONS of us will be harmed, many fatally so. They cannot reasonably claim ignorance of that reality, and their abject indifference to that deadly fact is cause to question what investment they have, moral or fiscal, that so guides their malevolent intent.
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