madamesilverspurs's JournalJesus doesn't believe in walls
Sharing here for the benefit of those who must contend with Trumpangelicals...A friend of mine recently said, "My problem with those who take the Bible literally is that they don't take the Bible literally."
I know many who hold to a six-day creation, a global flood, a talking donkey and yet dismiss immediately what the Bible says about the treatment of immigrants.
In the literature arguing for a wall, I have not heard a single verse from the Bible used by my Evangelical kin in support and there is a clear reason why: Displaced people are the heroes of the Bible; displaced people are the authors of the Bible. Abram was pushed into Egypt during a great famine. Jacob escaped from his brother in Haran, David twice fled and was cared for in foreign lands, and Joseph moved his family in a caravan to Egypt to avoid starvation. The heroes of the Bible are routinely those who embrace immigrants with mercy: Naomi adopted Ruth, Jethro embraced Moses, and the Widow of Zaraphath created a home for Elijah in the land of the Philistines' when he hid from Ahab...
(entire article text is in the comment section)
Oh, the irony . . .
On the front page of the paper, a story about a drunk driver crashing the car into the wall of a head shop. I don't recall any news stories about weed causing a driver to crash through a liquor store, maybe I just haven't been paying attention for the last fifty years?
What the ...
So my Toshiba laptop is being weird. Most of the time it behaves just fine, but lately it's started a very annoying thing. I'll be typing along, and all of a sudden the punctuation keys won't work; same for the right shift key. Most annoying is that the "enter" key stops working. Just now I had to go back and add the apostrophes. Any ideas what might be causing this? Big thanks in advance!
Seasons Greetings, from Republicans
to seniors and disabled citizens:
The mailman brings the letter from Social Security, announcing a modest cost of living adjustment. Two days later the mailman brings a letter from the county, announcing a matching cut in SNAP benefits.
Ho frigging ho.
NOT that kind of party!
We have a fundraiser coming up next month and I was asked to prep the invitation. The committee chair used her phone to send the text for the invite. Her phone's auto-correct did its thing, but just to be on the safe side I called to clarify that what she intended to send was "$100 per person" and not "$100 perversion." Methinks we both needed the giggle.
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