madamesilverspurs's JournalRachel's Windshield
Watch Rachel's rerun for the segment on the horrific trafficking in racism, malfeasance, and abuse of power that helped to elevate Cornyn in Texas GOP politics.
That was weird.
This morning I couldn't get into DU. At all. No matter what I tried, a blank white screen was all that showed. So, went about my usual routine, checking in from time to time to try again. Nada. After a few hours I went to the store to pick up some prescriptions, came home, and DU came up like always. So, very glad it's back, but I'd still like to know what made it go away and what made it come back. Iggggg.
And then . . .
A few days ago we were in the upper 60s. Our favorite coffee shop re-opened their outdoor patio seating area.
Greeley CO, a bit northeast of Denver
Darwin Awards -- multiple candidates
It's an anti-mask protest at one of our smaller grocery stores. The local news reports that one man was cited by the police. The best part of this video is that I don't recognize any of them. You don't have to watch the whole thing, a few minutes at the beginning will give you the gist; but you gotta catch the last couple minutes. As if we needed further proof that stupidity is expensive, dangerous, and voluntary.
Little Big Things
About three days after my second vax shot the news started reporting that those who had completed the vaccine process would be able to resume some social interactions after a couple weeks. I read several news stories and listened to a number of broadcast reports to make sure I hadn't mis-heard or mis-read, and finally let the OMG sink in. After months of isolation, with personal interaction limited to pharmacists and clinic workers, I can start to enjoy coffee with friends again. My two weeks are over this coming weekend, and a couple of friends get cut loose next week. We are seriously counting the hours, with gratitude to the scientists and researchers who made this possible. Some things will never again be taken for granted.
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: Colorado
Member since: Sat Apr 21, 2007, 02:17 PM
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