madamesilverspurs's JournalEw.
Aaacccch ptui! Opened my mailbox to find a "gift" copy of Epoch Times. The cover sheet carries endorsements from Sean Hannity and Seb Gorka, along with other luminaries of the rightwing cesspool. Not being a fan of voluntary brain damage, I've already tossed the nasty thing into the dumpster. Gag. Here's hoping the post office doesn't have rules against bleaching a mailbox.
Well, it looks like Moscow Mitch
is trotting out his band of Merry Muscovites to chew up the late night hours in the Senate. Of those who infamously celebrated July 4th in Moscow, Ron Johnson and John Kennedy have opened the show. And what a sorry lot they are. Vladimir must be giggling with glee at this display of how well his rubles have been spent.
Well, phooey.
Sat down to watch the Jeopardy tournament of champions, and it came on without sound. Last week it was the commercials with no audio. At the first break they went to commercial, all silent. And it came back Wheel of Fortune, also no sound. Then it went to old Seinfeld episodes in silence.
No explanation given, nothing on their website. Fox affiliate in Denver. Boo hiss.
Watching Fox get foxed up - - -
"Jeopardy" is the only reason my television is ever tuned to anything Fox. Today was a bit special. For some reason the commercials, with two brief exceptions, were muted; as soon as the show came back, so did the audio, and my hand was nowhere near the remote. Most delightful was the station's self-promo, with all their talking heads moving their lips and waving their arms to the sound of absolute silence. Heh.
My gremlin is back. Poor thing was apparently feeling left out and decided to make himself known again.
He started with my portable oxygen machine, which just up and quit a few days ago. They came and picked it up to send to the shop, and left me with some tanks. Being out of the usual wine-bottle size tanks, they gave me the ones that are shaped more like watermelons, heavy and with a carrier designed to be worn like a backpack (not happening). Anyway.
The over-the-sink rack I ordered from Amazon arrived, purchased to give me a handy place to dry the nebulizer parts that require washing after each use. Three of the four legs assembled easily, but the fourth refuses to cooperate. The thing is sitting in its flattened box in the middle of the living room, laughing at me, and waiting for me to pack it up and ship it back (as if those things can ever be repacked to fit the packaging). The more disreputable parts of my vocabulary have gotten a bit of exercise.
Then today I got in the car to head out to a doc appointment and then a run to the pharmacy. And the car wouldnt start. This is the third time the brand-new battery has failed. My underthehood helper is coming by tomorrow to make sure that the battery dealer does the right thing.
So, I called the docs office to let them know I would be missing my appointment. Forgot that my phone doesnt like their phone system; sent them a text explaining my absence, still waiting for a response.
Meanwhile, a friend answered my call and picked me up to drive me to Safeway to get scrips and meds. She pulled up in front of the store to let me off, and I had to stop when only halfway out of the car; somehow, Id managed to get tangled in the oxygen hose and could neither exit nor sit back down. The hose had gotten wrapped around my leg and had also looped itself over the under-seat lever that adjusts the seat forward or backward. Since I was stuck halfway out the car door, my friend had to turn off the car and come around to my side to disentangle her inconvenient passenger, a task that would have been much easier had we not been laughing at the absurdity of it all. Suffice it to say that the drivers in the cars behind us did not share our amusement.
The rest of the venture went smoothly, thank heaven. Got the pills and groceries home, my friend helping to bring everything down the stairs to my apartment. We couldnt help noticing the clothes dryer sitting in the hallway, indicating that the laundry room is once more out of commission. Looks like part of my evening will be spent doing a bit of hand laundry, given my lack of means to get to a laundromat right now. Am I having fun, yet?
Gotta say, Im quite grateful that most days arent like this one. Somehow, its just plain embarrassing to be all three of the stooges simultaneously. Now Im going to take a nap. That should be safe, right?
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