madamesilverspurs's JournalCell phone assist
Have a Samsung tracfone. I accidentally blocked a crucial number, and tracfone "support" has been less than helpful. Can someone please help me unblock the number?
Huge thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Looks like if finally got resolved, but what a mess. Tracfone used to have a decent chat line for help. But they changed it, the access is iffy at best; was finally able to get through using their facebook page. Given the significant lag time between Q and A, I'm guessing the chat desk is way off shore; and the chat helper was clearly uncomfortable with English, although better than I would be if trying to communicate in any language other than English. The whole thing wouldn't have been so maddening were it not for the phone being the means for me to let therapists and delivery drivers into the building; still don't know how that callbox number got blocked, what a pain in the ass (and the knees, and the hip, and the back, and the arm that has to drag the oxy tank while the other wields a cane).
And thanks again, y'all.
A question
How can we have three co-equal branches of government when only one of them is sacrosanct?
The Executive answers to us, as does the Legislative.
Why is the Judicial the exception?
Tired facepalm
It's starting to feel as though SCOTUS viewed Florida 2000 as permission. Unanswered misbehavior really does have consequences.
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