madamesilverspurs's JournalAnother moment of "hmmmm"...
My usual route is closed for some construction. The alternate route took me by a school that is a block away from a strip mall that happens to house our local Planned Parenthood clinic. On the sidewalk between the school and the strip mall there was a group of kids, Im guessing ages 10-12, waving professionally printed anti-abortion signs. As much as I encourage kids to be informed, I had to wonder exactly how much these children really understand about abortion and its many ramifications and where they got that information. And the other side of the aisle accuses US of grooming.
Where's Wilbur?
Just wondering -- In the midst of all the investigation into trump's financials, especially regarding the lies to banks, haven't yet seen any mention of Wilbur Ross who at one time was considered at the center of trump's money entanglements with Duetsche Bank and conduits for Russian money. Any noise about him?
Second episode of "The US and the Holocaust"
Didnt hold back on Lindberghs pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic sentiments. Same for the America First movement whose current descendants, if theyre watching at all, are likely already spewing invective about the producers. Its hard to listen to the childhood memories of cruelty, hard to watch the grisly scenes of the Nazis fulfilling their intent, and impossible to pretend that we arent hearing the echoes of those horrors in the words and actions of a shocking number of governors and legislators. And those echoes are broadcast every day across our media.
Will be interesting to see if the documentary mentions Henry Ford's contributions to the Reich, along with the involvement of other American automakers.
For those friends/coworkers/neighbors/family members who still don't get it . . .

Popcorn and asbestos
Wanted to see what was happening in the Senate, and switched over to Cspan2 just in time to catch Ted Cruz holding forth. And in those brief seconds before switching back it finally became clear that timing is Cruzs seminal problem; poor guy was born too late for a career in melodrama.
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