workinclasszero's JournalDemocratic senator Claire McCaskill
Has been diagnosed with breast cancer, very sad.
Hillary tweeted her support
Bernie Sanders says lower turnout contributed to his Nevada loss to Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders says lower turnout contributed to his Nevada loss to Hillary ClintonBy John Wagner February 21 at 9:57 AM
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders acknowledged Sunday that he failed to turn out as many people in the Nevada caucuses as he hoped he would, a factor the Vermont senator suggested contributed to his loss on Saturday to Hillary Clinton.
About 80,000 people showed up for the state's caucuses, a significant drop-off compared to 2008, the last time there was a competitive Democratic race, according to officials at the Nevada Democratic Party. That year, 117,600 people participated.
Hillary Clinton has a greater than 99% chance of winning the South Carolina primary.
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UPDATED 10:10 PM EST | FEB 20, 2016
Billionaire Charles Koch: I agree with Sanders
Charles Koch offered Bernie Sanders an endorsement of sorts Friday, writing that he agrees with the leftwing Democratic presidential candidate on issues of corporate welfare and criminal justice reform.The worst fascist republican billionaire ENDORSES Bernie!!!
Why do you think that is Bernie fans???
Bernie fans are being set up for a fall BIGTIME!
The KOCH BROS are trying to help BERNIE SANDERS get the democratic nomination!
Billionaire Charles Koch: I agree with Sanders politics are set up to help the privileged few
Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian JAMILES LARTEY, THE GUARDIAN
19 FEB 2016 AT 23:04 ET
Morgan Freeman, everyone's favorite narrator, lends his voice to Hillary Clinton's campaign
Civil rights attorney Bill Murphy endorses Hillary Clinton
Civil rights attorney Bill Murphy endorses Hillary Clinton02/18/16 07:01 AMUPDATED 02/18/16 08:26 AM
By Monica Alba
LAS VEGAS Civil rights attorney Bill Murphy, who is representing Flint residents in a class-action lawsuit, has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, according to a campaign aide.
Murphy said he decided to back Clinton because she has a better relationship with communities of color than Bernie or any other candidate. He made the announcement only days before the Nevada Democratic caucus, which appears to be a tight race between the two presidential candidates.
Civil rights attorney Bill Murphy endorses Hillary Clinton
Civil rights attorney Bill Murphy endorses Hillary Clinton02/18/16 07:01 AMUPDATED 02/18/16 08:26 AM
By Monica Alba
LAS VEGAS Civil rights attorney Bill Murphy, who is representing Flint residents in a class-action lawsuit, has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, according to a campaign aide.
Murphy said he decided to back Clinton because she has a better relationship with communities of color than Bernie [Sanders] or any other candidate. He made the announcement only days before the Nevada Democratic caucus, which appears to be a tight race between the two presidential candidates.
Full on assault of John Lewis taking place in GD:primaries
I thought I had seen the worst BS fanatics could throw against Hillary, but nope.
They reached a new low today, savagely attacking a man that actually put his life on the line to better mankind, John Lewis.
BS aint good enough to tie that mans shoes and today they are foaming at the mouth with vile insults about him!
We will see what this low road dirty campaign style will get you in non-all white states Bernie!
John Lewis on Bernie Sanders' work in the civil rights movement: "I never saw him. I never met him."
"Enjoy your Clinton money, John,"
"Sad when a good man like John Lewis takes the low road."
Thanks for the heart nice person!
Hey I better go over the the BS group and thank them just in case it...
How the National Rifle Association helped get Bernie Sanders elected
How the National Rifle Association helped get Bernie Sanders electedBy David A. Fahrenthold July 19, 2015
BURLINGTON, Vt. A few days before Election Day in 1990, the National Rifle Association sent a letter to its 12,000 members in Vermont, with an urgent message about the race for the states single House seat.
Vote for the socialist, the gun rights group said. Its important.
Bernie Sanders is a more honorable choice for Vermont sportsmen than Peter Smith, wrote Wayne LaPierre, who was and still is a top official at the national NRA, backing Sanders over the Republican incumbent.
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