workinclasszero's JournalNow FOX NEWS carrying water/lying for Bernie Sanders..Fox Resorts To Bogus "Voter Fraud" Claims
Fox Resorts To Bogus "Voter Fraud" Claims To Downplay Clinton Caucus VictoryBlog 9 hours and 39 minutes ago TIMOTHY JOHNSON

ox News scandalized ordinary Iowa Democratic caucus procedures to baselessly suggest former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won a Des Moines, IA, precinct through "voter fraud."
During the February 3 broadcast of Fox & Friends, host Heather Nauert claimed that "voter fraud" benefiting Clinton may have occurred because "Votes at a Des Moines high school were counted by hand.
So now Fox NEWS and TED CRUZ both are on Bernies side...gee..I wonder why???

Ted Cruz embraces the Bern
Ted Cruz embraces the BernBy KATIE GLUECK 02/03/16 02:52 PM EST
HENNIKER, N.H.-- Ted Cruz, scrambling to boost his position in more independent-minded New Hampshire, tapped into the populist fervor fueling the leading 2016 campaigns here by embracing a comparison to Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.
"In diagnosing the problem, I agree in many ways with Bernie Sanders," Cruz said of the Democratic presidential candidate.

2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus poll
2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus poll
2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus
Asked of 300 likely voters - democrat
Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Martin O'Malley (D) 4%
Bernie Sanders (D) 43%
Undecided 3%
2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus poll
2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus
Asked of 300 likely voters - democrat
Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Martin O'Malley (D) 4%
Bernie Sanders (D) 43%
Undecided 3%
Iowa poll: Hillary Clinton 51%..Bernie Sanders 43%
Iowa poll: Hillary Clinton 51%..Bernie Sanders 43%
BREAKING #iacaucus poll results: Democratic Top 3: @HillaryClinton: 51% @BernieSanders: 43% @MartinOMalley: 4% #EmersonPoll
9:31 PM - 31 Jan 2016
Iowa poll: Hillary Clinton 51%..Bernie Sanders 43%
BREAKING #iacaucus poll results: Democratic Top 3: @HillaryClinton: 51% @BernieSanders: 43% @MartinOMalley: 4% #EmersonPoll
9:31 PM - 31 Jan 2016
New...Nate Silver...Hillary 80% chance to win Iowa
According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Hillary Clinton has a 80% chance of winning the Iowa caucuses.
New...Nate Silver...Hillary 80% chance to win Iowa
According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Hillary Clinton has a 80% chance of winning the Iowa caucuses.
Info for the math challenged...
3 percentage points ahead is NOT a dead heat!
Go Hillary!
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