workinclasszero's JournalSanders campaign just crossed Nevada’s most powerful
Sanders campaign just crossed Nevadas most powerful union
01/28/16 04:05 PMUPDATED 01/28/16 04:06 PM
The Bernie Sanders campaign is in the doghouse with the most powerful union of a key battleground state.
Leaders of the deeply influential Culinary Union in Nevada on Thursday accused Sanders staffers of posing as union employees in order to gain access to worker dining rooms in hotels along the Las Vegas strip.
Poll: Clinton leads Sanders by 5 points in Iowa 1/28/16
Poll: Clinton leads Sanders by 5 points in Iowa
By ELIZA COLLINS 01/28/16 11:00 AM EST
According to the latest Monmouth University Poll, the former secretary of state has the support of 47 percent of the likely Iowa electorate, with the Vermont senator behind her by 5 percentage points at 42 percent. Former Maryland Gov. Martin OMalley trails with 6 percent.
Clinton Holds Wide Lead In National Poll...JANUARY 26, 2016
Clinton Holds Wide Lead In National Poll
By CONOR DINAN Published JANUARY 26, 2016, 4:09 PM EST
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains the clear national frontrunner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to an NBC/SurveyMonkey poll released Tuesday.
The NBC/SurveyMonkey Poll was carried out from Jan. 18-24. Pollsters surveyed 2,780 registered Democratic voters, with a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points.
Clinton Holds Wide Lead In National Poll...JANUARY 26, 2016
Clinton Holds Wide Lead In National Poll
By CONOR DINAN Published JANUARY 26, 2016, 4:09 PM EST
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains the clear national frontrunner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to an NBC/SurveyMonkey poll released Tuesday.
The NBC/SurveyMonkey Poll was carried out from Jan. 18-24. Pollsters surveyed 2,780 registered Democratic voters, with a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points.
Sanders: It's A 'Mythology' That I Need To Win Iowa
Sanders: It's A 'Mythology' That I Need To Win Iowa
Sanders appeared to lower expectations about his performance in the Iowa caucuses.
01/26/2016 04:30 pm ET
Bernie is tamping down expectations in Iowa..hmm....
What's the chances of Bernie walking back...
"We will raise taxes, yes we will" before the Iowa caucus voting starts?
Real good I would say. He's had lots of practice walking back rash statements lately anyway.
Bernie Sanders: “We will raise taxes, yes we will”
Bernie Sanders: We will raise taxes, yes we will
01/25/16 10:49 PMUPDATED 01/25/16 11:04 PM
We will raise taxes, yes we will, Sanders said to moderator Chris Cuomo of CNN at a Democratic forum on the campus of Drake University.
Its the kind of blunt, un-politician-like talk that has endeared Sanders to his fans, but its also a comment ready-made for a political attack ad.
Bernie Sanders Is Very Dependent on Infrequent Voters
Bernie Sanders Is Very Dependent on Infrequent Voters
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn JAN. 25, 2016
Its common to talk about the turnout challenge facing Donald Trump, who clearly fares well among those who dont vote regularly. But the candidate with the biggest turnout challenge in this cycle is probably Bernie Sanders.
Mr. Sanders appears to be extraordinarily dependent on turnout from infrequent voters, even more than Democrats have recently been in general elections, and maybe more than Barack Obama in the 2008 Iowa caucuses mainly because his support is so strong among the young.
Jamie Lee Curtis loves Hillary :)
Republicans love Bernie Sanders!
Republicans for Bernie Sanders
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