Old Codger
Old Codger's JournalFunny for sure
I saw a post that was more about accusations of Bernie supporters calling clinton supporters names and such, I replied to the post requesting a link to some of those posts. I didn't realize I was in the hillary group. I was told that I was there and should delete that post which I did, actually should have left it I guess as it was in no way derogatory on anything just a simple request for a link to the posts that were being alluded to... next thing I get is a mail telling me that I have been blocked from that group.. I really thought I had already trashed that group and was pretty surprised to see that I was in there at all....
This place is actually falling apart at the seams it used to be pretty decent place to come to and find out what was happening in the world, a place to get the real news behind the news... I am pretty well fed up with the animosity around the place and pretty disappointed in a people allowing this to get to this point...
Very sad really ....
Rant over...
Chamber of Commerce
what wonderful group.
KIEV, Ukraine A parliamentary hearing was convened here in March to consider an odd remnant of Ukraines corrupt, pre-revolutionary government.
Three years ago, Ukraine filed an international legal challenge against Australia, over Australias right to enact antismoking laws on its own soil. To a number of lawmakers, the case seemed absurd, and they wanted to investigate why it was even being pursued.
(more at link)
2015 a bad year
2 months ago wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, she decided that the best way to get through it all was to go with total bilateral mastectomy.. she is doing well but apparently needs to go with chemo for a little insurance...will start in 2 weeks or so...
a month ago I had a CT angiogram for some clogged artery problems, the scan turned up a bladder mass, cyto scope confirms a tumor. Had the surgery yesterday was sent home with a foley which apparently needs to stay in for 3 days...it is leaking slightly and very very uncomfortable in that I feel as if I need to urinate and right now... feels like a full bladder to the point that I will pee my britches any second... Any one have any ideas on the problem with the catheter ? Or is it a "suck it up" situation?
Any ideas are sure welcome.
It is scary
I actually saw a truck today that had a sticker in the back window "Trump 2016/make America great again"
It should say Trump 2016(not) make America the laughing stock of the world"
As valid today as it was then
FDR and his "Welcome their hatred" speech.... The fact is that nothing has really changed since then
Future repugs
Father is already one looks like
Hopefully someone will recognize them and turn them in.
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Member since: Sat Jul 21, 2007, 10:13 AM
Number of posts: 4,205