backwoodsbob's Journalpost your greatest single sports moment ever
for me it was simple...we grew up with it was simple...secretariat at the Belmont
Post yours...IF you can beat secretariat
all I can tell you about Detroit is those complaining have never worked there
I could give you dozens...hell..HUNDREDS of instances of what a nightmare Detroit was to deal with.
NO company wanted to deal with that city.
The home inprovement company I worked for would have to pay 5 times as much to do work in that city if we were lucky enough that they either didnt lose the application or couldn't come up with the paperwork to issue a work permit.
We were lucky if 50% of the work permits we applied for got issued and if they did it just meant we had a good chance that we would be visited by an inspector who had to be bribed to allow us to keep working.
My fathers company went through the same and both companies eventually decided on a strict no work in detroit policy.
NO ONE but detroit can be blamed for detroits problems
puppies puppies puppies...update on junior
the bernard puppy didnt come home to me...he was adopted and that is a good thing.ANY adopted dog makes me smile.
Junior is still in stupid puppy mode.Katie works him over.She takes an old sock and presents it to him then when he grabs it for the tug of war she just wears him out...she's smart.She will jump over him and force his head up untill he cant win.
Katie has been a trooper training the new pup.she has taken a liking to him...she worries over him like he is her own.HOWEVER..she lets him know who is boss.She lays between us on the pillows and if she allows it he lays at the foot of the bed...poor fellow.
He will be big enough soon enough...will be interesting to watch how they interact once he gets big
update on my work friend
looks like he is only gonna lose two fingers.He got lucky...could have lost his hand.
He got lets see what they do to the company.....I will put in the first guess...a 1k fine
yet another friend got hurt at work tonight
In the 9 years I've been with this company between Virginia and SC I've seen it all.I've had two broken bones...have seen fingers lost..hands friend in Virginia got cut in half.Tonight another friend got hurt.He lost two fingers for sure and may lose his hand.
God I hate this shit.They pay and give benefits just high enough that you can't afford to walk away.Seen so many people get hurt.
Just had to vent.
Katie the wonder terrier
She lets us all know who is the real me some katie.Junior already figured out Katie makes the rules and she may change the rules at her discretion.What she allows and doesn't allow may change without prior notice
Katie the wonder terrier rules all who dare enter her world
On a side note...she loves to ride but....she has developed a hatred for blue cars...she barks at every blue car she sees...she's weird
I found another Bernard :)
am in discussions with the wife on what I'll have to buy her to do this..A newfie pup and a bernard pup together..Lord help me.
I REALLY want this bernard pup.He's gorgeous.The wife is going to kill me but we will stay warm in the cold months
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Gender: MaleHometown: South Carolina
Member since: Mon Sep 3, 2007, 07:35 AM
Number of posts: 6,001