99th_Monkey's JournalSo did Bradley Manning fall into a black hole over Christmas holidays?
So January 16th has come and gone, but I still haven't seen ANYthing about any findings
or rulings by this military judge fellow, Lt Col Paul Almanza; and no news re: Bradley Manning
since Dec.. So I decided to Google for any updates, and this one below is the most recent
article I could find. Anyone know anything other than what I've posted here by way of updates?
Bradley Manning hearing Thursday 22 December
Closing prosecution and defence arguments at Fort Meade
Thursday expected to be last day in Bradley Manning hearing
Paul Almanza to make recommendation by 16 January
Updating live from Fort Meade: Matt Williams
In New York: Adam Gabbatt
Posted by
Matt Williams and Adam Gabbatt
Thursday 22 December 2011 14.01 EST
9am: It's day seven in the Bradley Manning hearing, and it should be the last, writes Matt Williams. [snip]
9.15am: MW: I've just been told by the ever-present military lawyer who has made the life of a lowly reporter wading through military jargon and legalese a lot easier over the last few days that aside from the six days of testimony, the investigating officer has an additional 300,000 pages of evidence to wade through. [snip] Lt Col Paul Almanza is due to make his recommendation to the convening authority by 16 January, although he can push this date back if he is struggling. [snip]
11am: MW: Private Manning's defence challenged the investigating officer to deliver a "reality check" to the US army and government. In a 20 minute closing argument, civilian lawyer David Coombs lambasted the prosecution for trying to "strong-arm" a guilty plea from the suspected Wikileaks source by over charging him. "You are in a unique position to provide the US army with something it needs, a reality check," he opened his remarks with. [snip]
11.47am: MW: The hearing was concluded by Investigating officer Lt Col Paul Almanza who told Manning that his recommendation to the convening authority which will ultimately rule if the soldier is to face a court martial is not binding. Almanza now has until 16 January to inform that body of his opinion. Given the sheer bulk of evidence he has to wade through, it will mean that much of his Christmas break will be spent at his desk.
I'll be voting for President Barack Obama
as soon as Obama & Holder pardon Don Siegelman and release him from prison.
I was told to post this here
"You shouldn't be seeing this, but if you are, please report it in the Help & Meta-discussion forum."
and have absolutely NO idea why .. or what this is about.
Please enlighten me.
I just figured out why the 1% should LOVE the Occupy Movement.
Because it gives the police, FBI, et. al. something to do besides go after the real criminals, who are stealing the Middle Class blind. Duh!
At what point will Prez Obama send in the Federal Marshalls and FBI to OccupyUSA?
You know, like Prez. John Kennedy did to protect peaceful civil rights protesters in the deep South.
To protect peaceful citizens from police brutality & harassment ... being literally terrorized by local police departments?
I realize my question verges on being rhetorical, but then that in itself is quite interesting, don't you think?
How dare Glen Greenwald have a contrary opinion about Obama's policies! Off with his head!
Just who does Mr Greenwald think he is, anyway? A US Citizen or something?
Mr. Greenwald definitely shows signs of being deluded into believing he lives in a free
country, a beacon of democracy and freedom, where dissent is valued, and where telling
the truth is valued, no matter how the chips fall?
How dare him!!!
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