Fumesucker's Journal"I feel your pain" Nice thing to say to someone or not?
A DUer wrote that to me some months back in fairly obvious sarcasm, who it was and why is immaterial and I'm truly sorry that it made me so angry that I lashed out at them the other day when I got the chance.
I want to apologize to that person for things I wrote which were hurtful and I want to apologize to DU for losing my temper. My very deepest button got pushed hard and combined with a currently stressful situation with a close relative and the usual personal problems of an old I lost my cool.
I'm sorry I acted like an idiot and an asshole.
Period. Full stop.
With that being said I would like to open a discussion about the phrase, particularly as used by a politician, what do you think? What I think should be self evident, no, no you don't.
Sadly, over the Hill
Another blast from the past, some great writing here, powerful stuff.
When I heard Hillarys comment that she and John McCain brought the necessary experience and expertise to the table, while her fellow Democrat, Barack Obama, was to be dismissed as nothing more than a speech, I was truly astounded. This was not the Hillary of sense and sensibility, but the Hillary of pride and prejudice, a woman who would stop at nothing to achieve her goal, with an immediate and vicious bias against anyone who had the audacity to try and stand in her way.
This code of conduct has not subsided, but instead has persisted and become more blatantly apparent with every passing day. It is the same youre with us or against us mentality that has divided a nation for more than seven years; it is the same rhetoric that screams of entitlement and arrogance, rather than a sense of accepting the will of the people who have spoken, and continue to speak, about something more important than the ego of one politician with their eye focused on nothing else but the prize.
Float like a Butterfly, sting like a Bee, feel the Bern
I become more impressed with Bernie Sanders on a regular basis, he has the game figured out I do believe. He is letting his opponent wear themselves out futilely swinging at him while he concentrates on his message.
Bernie Sanders probably has the worst case of attention surplus disorder I've ever seen.
Feel the Bern!
The question to ask yourself regarding the email brouhaha
How would I feel about this if it were a Republican SoS who had top secret information on an unsecured private server in their bathroom?
Electric vehicles take to the fields to ease the labor of crop picking
These are brilliant, the second one is solar powered even.
On revolution: JFK: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable
Pachyderm spongiform encephalopathy (PSE) is a completely debilitating neurological disorder
One notable sign is an increase in anger, aggression and complete antipathy while simultaneously Trumpeting the joys of Christian good will to all.
PSE humans react violently and aggressively to logic, science, fact and any demonstration of cause and effect, particularly the simple idea that 10 annual gigatons of carbon emissions could possibly affect anything.
Victims become apoplectic at the suggestion of universal or single-payer healthcare, preferring the draconian sensibilities of GOP Death Panels and waxing nostalgically about a traditional free-market vulture capitalist healthcare system with a proven track record of extortion, murder and record bloody quarterly profits.
Prevention of mad elephant disease is possible, but only by weaning the patient off of Fake News, hate radio and the Asimovian notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
Save the mad elephants !
I found this attributed to a comment in Dowd's column today but I'm not going there and I'm not linking to it.
Yosemite Sarah
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