RandySF's JournalPeople upset over the Coke commerical are going to hate the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. (VIDEO)
http://images.dailykos.com/images/admin/Jeb_Bush_Banderas.mpgCoke features first gay family to appear in a Super Bowl ad
In the second quarter of the Super Bowl, Coke became the first advertiser to show a gay family in an ad for America's big game.
The snippet appeared as one of many vignettes in a sweeping ad that celebrated America's collection of diverse creeds, codes and individuals. In the five-second clip, two male partners and their daughter go roller-skating while a chorus of children sing "America the beautiful."
The hashtag #AmericaIsBeautiful went tredning on Twitter shortly after the spot aired.
Gay rights organization GLAAD praised the ad, calling it "a step forward for the advertising industry."
Uh oh. Another commercial with inter-racial romance to make heads explode.
Anyone else see the Axe Deodorant where the American GI kisses the Asian girl?
BYU encourages students to rat each other out for touching themselves down there
#t=16$4.8M in Sandy Relief Money Went to Fund Luxury Apartment Tower in New Brunswick
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJNBC New York broke the story last night that embattled NJ Governor Chris Christie appropriated $4.8 million in Hurricane Sandy relief funds to help build a luxury highrise building in New Brunswick.
The revelation makes the 16-story project, currently under construction between Somerset and Condict Streets, the second such use of Sandy funding called into question this week.
The building, to be named Somerset Mews, has already received a city tax abatement and was approved by the city's Planning Board eight months before Sandy struck. In the planning stages for years, it is seemingly unrelated to the superstorm that devastated the Jersey Shore and coastal areas like Hoboken.
Its city-based developer, Boraie Development LLC, has strong political ties to the Governor and new US Senator Cory Booker. As we reported in April 2012, the Boraie family and its companies have been among New Brunswick's most generous political contributors over the past several decades.
Hillary Clinton Opposes New Iran Sanctions
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supports President Obama in his opposition to new Iran sanctions while world leaders negotiate a nuclear deal, according to a letter she sent to Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), obtained by Politico.
"I share the opinion of you and many of your colleagues that these sanctions and the carefully constructed global consensus behind them are responsible for driving Tehran to the negotiating table," she wrote. "'The U.S. intelligence community has assessed that imposing new unilateral sanctions now would undermine the prospects for a successful comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran.' I share that view."
Levin said in a Sunday statement that Clinton's opposition to sanctions should encourage Congress to support nuclear negotiations in Iran.
"Her letter is another strong signal to Congress that we should not take any legislative action at this time that would damage international unity or play into the hands of hard-liners in Iran who oppose negotiations," he said.
Metlife Stadium? What happened to GIANTS stadium?
I really hate these new names. You can make a valid argument for "Ford Field" in Detroit, but I miss the days when forums were named after people of note, like the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome or dedicated to an important segment of society like Soldier Field.
Paul Laxalt's daughter leaves the Republican Party
ays after Nevada's first female lieutenant governor left the GOP, a member of a notable Silver State Republican family is following suit.
The Associated Press reported Friday that lobbyist Neena Laxalt, daughter of former Nevada governor and U.S. Sen. Paul Laxalt (R), decided to register as nonpartisan.
Laxalt's decision comes two days after Nevada Republican Sue Wagner announced she was jumping ship as a "symbol" that she does "not like the Republican Party and what they stand for today."
"Its grown so conservative and tea-party orientated and I just can't buy into that," Wagner said. "I've left the Republican Party and it's left me, at the same time."
According to the AP report, Laxalt was encouraged by Wagner's decision. Wagner also chose to change her affiliation as nonpartisan.
HuffPost Pollster's latest compilation of 57 publicly available polls shows that the Republican Party's favorable rating has decreased steadily over the past two years. Back in January 2012, 43.3 percent viewed the GOP unfavorably. As of January 27, 2014, that number ballooned to 66.4 percent.
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