MiddleFingerMom's JournalEverything you've learned about cooperative behavior in the workplace is WRONG!!!!
Turns out, there is no "U" in team.
Ah, the beach!!! MiddleFingerMom just LOVES it!!!
Cat-dunking (possibly not for the faint-of-heart): (dial-up alert)
Yesterday was my birthday AND Star Wars Day. I got a bottle of wine to celebrate and this morning...
... was the sequel to BOTH of those events.
SOMETIME last night, I musta been a little confused about WHAT day it was 'cause I found THIS this morning:
I've been freaking OUT!!! My Photobucket account (with THOUSANDS of images) is GONE!!!
Turns out they have a system blockage that is "affecting a small number of users" (uh-huh) and expect
to have it resolved and the accounts back in about two hours.
Phucking Photobucket!!!!!!
It IS beautiful here in Arizona and there are a LOT of very nice progressives here, too...
... but, truth be told, there ARE way too many pricks both in and around the Arizona desert.
LynneSin didn't do very well in Geology 101.
I appreciate the sentiment, but you folks REALLY fucked up on what I wanted for my birthday present.
Nevermore, OK?
Li'l MFM used to SHOUT OUT swear words just to get this appropriate punishment. (dial-up alert)
Fuck-fuckity-fuckfuck... fuck-fuck.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163