MiddleFingerMom's JournalThis spells out the most-important difference between the worldviews of the 1% and the rest of us:
IMFM -- UPDATE -- kinda
There's a good-sized balcony where I'm staying and I asked them
to wheel me out here and leave me before it got too warm I it's
warm already -- 79 -- but it's due to grit much warmer -- 103).
There's a solidi row of old healthy GREEN mesquite trees about
200 yards in front of me, obscuring any structures that might
have been in my field of vision... and then a horizon-encompassing
row of some of our beautiful, BEAUTIFUL mountains some mile odd.
I've DEVELOPED CONJUNCTIVITIS and they've just applied eve drops
that seriously blur my near vision, so I'm typing somewhat blindly
occasionally from here, but my long-range vision is pretty clear.
This has been Your Working Boy -- The Fucking Immortal MGM giving
you a little bit of an update while experiencing a GRAND natural
high this morning.
YAHOOOOO!!! They've just brought breakfast out to me -- breakfast
on the veranda!!!
Ny life is GOOD. How about yours?
The evolution of Arizona Ranchers:
Crocheting, baking pies, bragging about rhe grandkids, rioting, pl... wait, WUT!!!
What I really wish the Big Dog could/would say:`
MiddleFingerMom MEANT well. He really, REALLY did. But he was so fucking clueless..
Li'l-tiny-adorable-"Ooh-I-just-want-to-pinch-his-cheeks" MFM knew his FULL potential right away.
"Bad dog!! Bad, BAD dog!!!" logic:
Maybe sometimes "DESTROYERS OF WORLDS" are just having a bad day.
That mystery item of police tactical equipment finally explained:
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163