MiddleFingerMom's JournalIf you're one of MFM's neighbors, keep EVERYONE away from the windows at midnight on New Year's Eve
... including your pets... when MFM will be cavorting and doing his celebratory naked goat dance.
If you forget these words of wisdom, seek professional help.
MiddleFingerMom, every year exactly one year after the resolutions:
I say this from experience. If you're not careful, it'll be the alcohol talking tonight. L-O-U-D-L-Y
Don't be fucking stupid. NEVER go to a tattoo/piercing parlor New Year's Eve and order "the special"
NO man has EVER been able to resist one of Skittles' "come-hither" looks at a New Year's Eve party.
Or, as you can plainly see... on any other night of the year.
Traditionally, Ptah has ALWAYS been able to get his smoothest smooth on at New Year's Eve parties.
MFM updat:e: Still in the hospital, comfortable, stable, actual tagteam bedbath yesterday...
Will speak with docs this morning and know more about what they'll be doing.
I'm going to be here a little while, but I'm in good hands,
I Blame HappyMe
Pay attention. This isn't rocket science -- How Not To Be A Jerk.
Kali offered MFM a job on her ranch, but realized that he's not cut out to be a cowboy. DIALUP WARNI
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Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163