MiddleFingerMom's JournalOne of the things MFM likes about his hospital are the "Friday Night Playdates" for the patients.
Pay attention. This isn't rocket science -- How Not To Be A Dick
Back off, Bucko!!! She's with me.
LynneSin is very lonely, but KNOWS she can always find solace in a good pint of ice cream.
Kali finally relented and let one of her horses go to the library. Now, they're ALL... skittish.
I give up. Not enough nun guts in here.
Sitting in the ER treatment room, admission imminent pending availability of a room.
BP low, heart rate fast and somewhat irregular - this is kinda normal when I need to come
in here. Nobody seems overly worried. Maybe just a serious adjustment of my meds.
I've decided to go out and do a "mall walk" in the hallways with my hospital gown turned
back-to-front and if they give me any grief, I'll just say...
... "Casual Friday."
Don't make me bored. You wouldn't LIKE me bored.
MiddleFingerMom's career as a lumberjack was cut short... really, REALLY short.
"A Christmas Story" is the story of MFM's life... not his childhood, but his ADULT life.
Skittles' favorite Christmas picture:
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163