MiddleFingerMom's JournalI'm watching "Miracle on 34th Street" for the umpteenth time (thanks, AMC) and I've been thinking...
... what an incredible director it must have had to draw out some pretty amazing reaction shots
from the little girl who had such serious doubts about the existence of Santa Claus.
After having seen it 4 or 5 times over the last week or so, I finally realized that the little girl in
question was an 8-year-old Natalie Wood. What promise she showed (and fulfilled) so early in
her life.
It's Saturday night. Y'wanna know why DUer's do so LOVE their weekends?
So you think you're the FIRST one to curse that fucking AutoComplete function?
MiddleFingerMom's computer is REALLY fucked up. He assures you he is working diligently to fix it.
STILL having major connectivity problems -- nothing at ALL since yesterday morning.
AND it's Christmas time -- probably won't be fixed until after -- at least I can get in to the library for
short 1 hour/day doses for every day but Tuesday.
You won't be seeing much of me for awhile == AND I'm having major trouble accessing my phucking
Photobucket acct from this library computer -- it's not recognizing my screenname and/or password
and, when I click on "can't remember them" it takes me to some useless secure-beta area.
Believe it or not, MFM has a VERY active sex life. Some of you wanted to see that. (DIAL-UP WARNING)
MFM's superpowers -- he SWEARS that he vaguely remembers flying at least once.
Cropdusting in the afterlife... who you gonna call? Ghostdusters!!!
Mona Lisa's Facebook picture:
LynneSin threw a catered affair for some VIP friends recently -- black tie, of course.
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Gender: MaleHome country: U.S.A.
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu Dec 31, 2009, 03:49 PM
Number of posts: 25,163