leftieNanner's JournalPence Feared What Trump Would Do
On January 6th.
According to Nicole Wallace:
"Pence feared a conspiracy, feared that the Secret Service would aid Trump and his ultimate aims that day," said Wallace. "This is the most harrowing version of Mike Pence's day I've seen reported."
Incredible addition to the story of the insurrection.
Any Hearing Aid users here? I'm having trouble.
My hearing got to the point where I needed some help.
First I tried the Costco brand hearing aids. They drove me crazy because I could hear my hair. I returned them.
Now I have purchased the Eargo brand aids (fully inside the ear) and am having a lot of trouble adjusting to them. They make the inside of my ears itch and tickle. The sound is better, if a little tinny.
I have 45 days to decide whether to return them or not.
Any thoughts?
Something Positive for Today
Last September a terrible fire raged through the northern corner of my city and then along Highway 99 through the next two small cities to the north. Thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed. When you drive through the area, you can still see burned out homes and cars. The clean up has been slow.
Some homes are being rebuilt and that's a good thing. Low income families have been the hardest hit.
A group of good folks set up a donation site in a strip mall and have asked people to donate virtually anything to help these people who lost everything. We have taken the opportunity to clean out our garage and have been able to donate some furniture, bedding, kitchen items, and tools. They were beyond excited about the tools!
Anyway, my husband has been driving my (late) Dad's 1990 Volvo station wagon named Charlie. We really don't need two cars any more. We're retired and can easily coordinate our schedules with just one car. We decided to donate it to the organization. They weren't sure what they would do with it when I made the offer. The Volvo's not exactly beautiful, but it runs fairly well and we have a set of mounted snow tires in the back - easy to switch out when it gets icy. Because it's not driven very frequently, the battery has a tendency to die. Triple A knows us well.
This afternoon the people called me and told me they have found a family that lost EVERYTHING in the fire. They have three small children and have been struggling. They are interested in the car. We will clean it up, replace the dead battery and take it down to them.
This makes me so happy! I think my Dad would be happy too.
BBQ Grilled Eggplant!
A sincere thank you to the DUer who recommended grilling eggplant.
It is so delicious!
I sliced it thick with the skin still on, brushed it with EVOO, balsamic vinegar, oregano, kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper. Placed it on the grill (charcoal, not gas) and cooked it for a few minutes per side. Got some nice grill marks on it.
Enjoyed it last night with the BBQ marinated pork chops.
And enjoyed it again this morning with an egg on top.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Washington
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Member since: Sat Jan 8, 2011, 07:24 PM
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