BigDemVoter's JournalDonald Trump "willing" to have Muslims identify themselves . . .
with a "crescent and star". . .
Rude Pundit: 11/19/2015
Carson says, "Trans individuals make people uncomfortable. . ."
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson suggested creating separate public bathrooms for transgender people in an interview with Fusion's Jorge Ramos Thursday.
When Ramos asked Carson if transgender men and women should be able to use any public bathroom they choose, Carson responded, "How about we have a transgender bathroom?"
"It is not fair for them to make everybody else uncomfortable," Carson added. "It's one of the things that I don't particularly like about the movement."
That crazy F*CK should speak for himself. . . .
Rude Pundit Re: Kentucky Elections
Check this out. It's a map of the state of Kentucky, with its counties featured.
The ones in blue voted for Democrat Jack Conway in yesterday's gubernatorial election. The ones in red voted for Republican Matt Bevin. Even though those blue counties have the cities, Bevin still won because, well, look at all that red. 106 out of 120 counties went for Bevin who campaigned, among other things, on rolling back the Affordable Care Act's state Medicaid expansion that has given 400,000 Kentuckians health care. Oh, and he doesn't want the queers to get married, among other ultra-conservative stands. - See more at:[link://|
Too much cocaine?
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