BigDemVoter's JournalMore B.S. about how Democrats & Repigs "both behave badly. . ."
I spotted two extremely obnoxious points in the NYT today (of course there are many more, but I'm only talking about these 2). .. .
The first one was in an article about "Trump's Heated Words Destined to Stir Violence" (I will try to get a link). . . This PISSED me off more than I can express.
Richard Daley, son of former Chicago Democratic Mayor, said: "Both sides are fueling this. . .",d.cGc
The next article involved Trump supporters attacking protesters at a rally on the outskirts of New Orleans:
"Yet the protesters, too, have sometimes instigated the clashes. They fling themselves to the ground, forcing law enforcement officers often outmanned and overwhelmed to drag them away. They also shout and curse, making obscene gestures as they are led from events. And Friday night in Chicago, in perhaps the best-organized effort so far, they came not to simply stand quietly but to utterly halt Mr. Trumps ability to deliver his speech."
Wow--the protesters flung themselves to the ground, shouted and cursed and made obscene gestures, and THIS, THIS THIS was enough for these assholes to condone VIOLENCE against them????
*I am trying to add link
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