BigDemVoter's JournalThis is unprecedented. Do ANY of you remember EVER
recall seeing a headline in a major US newspaper write that a presidential candidate is lying?
The NYT not only did so today, but they fact checked all throughout the article and pointed out lie after lie. I am stunned in a very pleasant way. Sorry for the lack of a link, as I read a hard copy of the paper.
In any case, I want to get back to my paper, as I am enjoying it so much!
HELL, why can't Joy Reid moderate ALL the debates?
I just watched a clip of her SHUTTING down a Trump surrogate in FL regarding the Bondi scandal. She absolutely STOPPED him in his tracks.Anybody who wants to be called a "journalist" should be able to do that. Unfortunately, we have entertainers like Matt Lauer who get invited.
Why Trump Will Lose
This made me feel better.
On edit-- I have to say that if tRump is running within a point of HRC in Texas, then he's in deep crap.
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