Thinkingabout's JournalHillary on the issues, she has been a busy lady.
She has a long list
RWers whine about "illegals" possibility voting Democrat if given a pathway to citizenship,
They could easily change this by pushing for an immigration bill and win the hearts of the Latinos but they prefer to whine and exclude Latinos. Look around, the whiners are becoming a smaller population and in a few years will not be able to win elections. I am not complaining about the Latinos voting Democratically, we need all the votes possible. GOTV!!!
Republican keeps on giving, here's proof.
Was sent this link from a RW this morning, I thanked him for the link since I do not follow their crappy sites but it expands upon Huckabee and the "smart" republicans who think they know what is in minds of Democrats. I explained I will be sharing the link because everytime they put this crap out it brings more votes in our party.
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Member since: Sat Jul 2, 2011, 02:38 PM
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