Thinkingabout's JournalI gave a special present to Hillary for her birthday, I gave her my vote. It has been a
great day for me, my first time to vote for a female for president.
When Melania Trump says he is unbelievable she knows what she is talking,
Believe her.
Hillary's willing and wonderful list of surrogates who has been stumping for Hillary is
Very impressive. She has had the Obama's out this past week and they got lots of attention for Hillary. This Wednesday will be the last debate, hopefully she will get the opportunity to talk about her issues.
Since Trump fails to talk about his agenda, I read about his agenda in AARP. The business man Trump
who thinks there should not be a minimum wage law has in his agenda everyone can place in a savings account $2000 a year to handle a life time of medical issues. Is he serious? I don't think those on minimum wage will be able to save $2000 a year, the business fails the test of reasonability. Also, $2000 a year will not cover the cost of medical issues for a lifetime. BTW, it will be a limit of $2000 a year.
Dana Bash ask this morning where is Trump's Michelle, Obama, Biden, Jill, Bill,
Gore, Nancy, Reid and so many more. Hillary has a long list of surrogates who are stumping for her. Trump can not even get the Speaker out to stump for him.
He says Canadians come to the US for their medical. In fact those who have international health
Insurance are told unless it is an emergency they need to go elsewhere for their health care. Another RW talking point which is a lie.
Giuliani can not defend the same standard with Hillary and Trump today on MTP
When Todd ask if the same could be said of Trump behind the doors as Giuliani said about Hillary.
Then Giuliani changed to talking about the issues.
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