vlyons's JournalTrump's speech -- just more of the same
Same old, same old. I laughed when he got to the tear-jerker part about how these illegal immigrants were being victimized. I wasn't laughing at the immigrants, but at the sure certainty that Trump was bullshitting about actually caring about the immigrants. Phoney baloney. He doesn't give a hoot about anyone else.
My email to Ted Cruz and John Cornyn
Cornyn was on TV this morning, blathering some bullshit about working to resolve the gov shutdown. So I know that he must be sweating over it, given that so much of the action is in Texas. Texans are hurting. So here's the email that I sent him and Cruz. It's time for all of us to contact our Republican senators and tell them to end this shutdown NOW!
======== Emails
False Pride is Poison! Texans, living on the edge, will miss a pay check this week. I'm really sorry for all the pain and financial anxiety that Trump's gov shutdown is causing us. I'm sorry that our very pressing bills for rent, utilities, insurance, food, meds, car gas, etc are happening, because Trump lies about needing a wall on the TExMex border. I'm really sorry, but I guess that is it what it will finally take -- our pain, worry, and sufferings at the hands of Trump and his enablers. The first step that you must take to move us out from under Trump's gov shutdown is to finally admit to yourself that you made a mistake, when you supported Trump. OK? Hey, it didn't work out the way you imagined it would . So just swallow your pride and admit that Trump is a disaster. And not just for the gov shutdown, but also for his ineptitude at everything else. Trump is a terrible president. He's a disaster. I promise that swallowing your pride about him is not fatal, but continuing to swallow his bullshit might very well be fatal. Reopen the gov and just forget about building Trump's stupid wall, because he said Mexico would pay for it. Fat chance for that happening, right?
I'm disappointed in Romney
This is not a pro-Romney rant. He started out like gang-busters with his anti-Trump Op-Ed. But then ---- I actually looked forward to more of the same from him. But no, he will vote FOR the wall. Ah silly me, to expect anything different. So how easy is it to be for a pro-wall vote that will never happen?
I just want to point out the mental depravity of Romney. He takes a pro-morality and proper POTUS etiquette position, posing as a righteous moral man, yet refuses to voice all the detrimental effects of Trump's border wall. Not the least of which are environmental degradations. How is that any different from Evangelicals posing as righteous people, while spewing hate and ignorance, as they go about their grifting ways?
The Republican party is so stupid and heartless, which I guess is the definition of evil. I pledge right here, right now, that post primary election in Texas, I shall support each and every Dem on the ballot. I shall not engage in sore-loser-itis if my candidate loses.
My New Year's Thought
May the dark delusions of sentient beings be dispelled,
and may all beings enjoy profound brilliant glory.
May I pacify disturbed and afflicted minds.
May I acquire the perfect speech of the Buddha to get through to all the assholes and knuckleheads out there.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Texas
Member since: Mon Aug 1, 2011, 07:53 AM
Number of posts: 10,252