vlyons's JournalI wonder what today's Barr testimony did, if anything
To me, it just showed what I already knew. That Barr, the republican senators don't give a rat's fat ass about defending the Constitution. They will lie, cheat, steal, whatever to stay in power to ensure that the system remains rigged to keep the money rolling their way. They are all a bunch of moral degenerates, criminals and traitors. And they don't care. They masquerade as patriotic fine Christian people, but it's all a con job. They are truly evil, evil, evil. They are absolutely no different than the fine, fine, very fine good Germans, who enabled Hitler's rise to power.
We are in such deep doo doo. I'm feeling pretty depressed about what I saw today.
It's just all so tawdry and filthy
Filthy beyond words. There are just some things that I will not do. Some things are beneath my dignity and honor. I'm sure that's true for many other folks too. But not for Trump and those, who gravitate to his orbit. One is expected to lie, to cheat, to steal, to harm, to commit crimes, to cover-up crimes. Hell to even go to prison for him. Frankly, he needs to be tried for treason and executed. I'm thinking of how Louis XVI got his head held up and shown to the crowd after it was cut off. Of course, we don't do that in this country. But golly wouldn't it be supremely satisfying if we did?
I don't know how this will play out. Not very satisfying is my guess. The best that I hope for now is that he will simply not run for re-election.
What was it?
Nicole Wallace on MSNBC this morning asks "What was it?" Why did the Trumpsters all lie to the FBI about their contacts with Russians?
I think I know. It was the money. Money from corrupt Russian mobsters oligarchs. Access to their money as investments in projects in America. Ease in laundering their money in American real estate, financial instruments, businesses. Money for political campaigns. Money to buy politicians, pay lobbyists, pay off the debts of judges, politicians and their cronies and relatives. It was, and still is, all about the money.
Can we impeach please?
Can we just fucking impeach that monster? I know that the KGOP in the senate will not vote to remove him. But I don't care. It is past time, way way far past time, to show that monster and his neo-Fascist enablers that we fucking mean business. Can we also dump Barr, and Mnuchin. And while we're at it, can we dump Kavanaugh for lying to Congress?
I'm fed up with the chaos, lies, deceit, vanity, ugliness, stupidity, and venal treason. I have Trump fatigue. I have breast cancer. My truck was stolen and trashed. And I have spent the last week in telephone menu Hell trying to arrange to move into a house. I am stressed to the max -- to say the least.
Can we just please please, pretty please, impeach that monster? DAMN!
I'll bet Trump has never asked any of his cabinet officers what he can do to help.
When a dept has a thorny problem, I'll bet it never occurs to him to do anything to help.
Wouldn't it be ironic to have a gay POTUS?
The KGOP would shit bricks. And there's the gay 1st husband or 1st spouse. All the false evangelical prophets of the far right would preach hell, fire, and brimestone. Yikes, I think they would pray for disaster to strike.
Meanwhile, most Americans would go "ho-hum, twiddle-dee-dee." So far I like what I've seen of Mayor Pete. He hasn't dodged any questions, answered them well with discriminating awareness and aplomb. Hasn't resorted to throwing his competitors under the bus, or accused them of vile crap.
Moslem countries might find it difficult to shake his hand, but that's why we'll have a Sec of State, and a damned decent one, as opposed to the dreadful sycophant one we have now.
Buttigieg is not my top preferred candidate, but I sent him a few bucks anyway.
Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden
All day long the talking TV heads have just had to have their little segment and panel with "experts" on Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden.
I'm sick of it. Don't we have more important things to talk about? Ya know, real things that really matter. Like healthcare, minimum wage, our obscene military budget, opioid addiction, impure water, climate change?
So new rule. When the talking heads do their stupid Biden Biden Biden Biden Biden thing, change the channel or turn off the damn TV.
It's not really a scandal!
Warren's tax returns
Warren has posted 10 years of tax returns on her campaign web site with 2017 being the latest.
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