ZonkerHarris's JournalYouTube says that "Gangnam Style" has become its most viewed video of all time
with 805 million views surpassing Justin Bieber's 803 million views for his video "Baby".
Now I'm rooting for the damn Mayans.
But let's listen to the song again anyway.
okay, it is pretty damn catchy.
My TV switched from political campaign ads 24/7 to Christmas shopping ads 24/7....
Political ads said "Cut spending, deficit is bad!"
Christmas ads say "Spend heavily, run up a deficit."
My dog hates the rain...
She hates getting wet.
So she pouts by the door and waits for it to stop
or she just curls up on her bed and lets out a huge "sigh"
She'll stare at me like I'm making it happen and could turn it off whenever I want.
my poor baby....
If we had started to legalize pot earlier Hostess never would have gone out of business.
Since he's supposed to be so good at it let's see Mitt Romney turn Hostess around.
I hear he's available and needs a job...
If only the GOP had held Bush as accountable for the 3000 deaths on 9/11 as they want...
President Obama to be for the 4 men who died in Libya this year.
But that would be asking too much.
Just watched the original THE THIN MAN again earlier
Nick & Nora are so great
William Powell is so smooth and Myrna Loy is one of my favorite all time actors.
The banter between the two is fantastic.
I love a good mystery.
George Will was too scared to appear on THIS WEEK today...
because he knew he would be called out on his BS predictions and he hates to admit he's wrong.
We'll wait for your return George.
You'll still be wrong then.....
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Name: Harvey the RabbitGender: Male
Hometown: New England
Home country: USA
Current location: Hollywood
Member since: Wed Aug 3, 2011, 12:52 PM
Number of posts: 25,242