Magoo48's JournalAmerica! We're slaughtering one another.
The second amendment is a diseased, vestigial structure which is devouring our most vulnerable citizens by the thousands every year. The number one cause of death in children is now gun violence.
Guns mayhem and death symbolize how violent of a nation we are, and, with one of our political parties firmly supporting chaos, hate, fascism, and distribution of the machines of human slaughter, the future looks bleak for our next generations who always pay the highest price for irresponsible, wanton social calamity.
Yet, Americans will not be inconvenienced. Neither the slaughter of our children, threats to voting rights and the human rights of huge portions of society, or the real threat of extinction as a species, moves us from our comfort zones.
Question: Does the world, at some point, roll the dice and stop the crushing of Ukraine.
Or, do we let the blood lust run its course, and if so, how much will be too much? At what point will we act? Its a tough one. Watching the schoolyard bully try and beat a smaller kid to death rubs most of us wrong. Personally, I havent any answers, but I do know how I feel.
The number we hear most often from our President and his people is the unemployment figure.
And, we are in good shape there; no doubt about it. The numbers are fiddled in ways which produce a number which doesnt reflect true unemployment but its consistent.
In addition, I would also like to see mentioned consumer survey figures which reflect back the mood of the people, us, living out here.
An honest assessment of survey results and administration led public discussions on what they reveal would be a great place to begin to shore up public concerns with the struggles were having across the economic board.
One trusted survey since the 1940s
It would take about 3% of the proposed, war department budget to provide ongoing Covid care
for everyone, for free. Otherwise, the uninsured will be SOL.
Universal healthcare now!
It is time for the regular folks of this world to stand up and demand peace.
A grassroots peace movement like weve seen before. Just peace. Period. Peace.
"I would like to see every single soldier on every single side, just take off your helmet, unbuckle your kit, lay down your rifle, and set down at the side of some shady lane, and say, nope, I aint a gonna kill nobody. Plenty of rich folks wants to fight. Give them the guns."
Woody Guthrie
A pacifist progressive voice.
A question about War by a long-standing member of the Pacifist, progressive left.
I'm 73 years old. There is not, or has not been, a war that I've supported since I've been alive. Here's my question: how can one support a war that one is not willing to fight in or play a supporting roll in. If you are a vet of foreign war then you've exhibited your support for this method of change, but I'm referring to people like myself, who have never participated, or intended to participate, in the military lifestyle. This seems a bit insincere to me. Killing is an extremely personal undertaking, not an act that should be considered because someone else thinks it's a good idea, or for any reason one does not fully understand. As we see in returning vets, taking life is a crushing weight for young healthy minds to bare. Every potential warrior should be educated about the ramifications of, and given time to consider, what he/she might be asked to do.
This is what I find a unsettling about this astro-trucker clusterf..k:
Why cant the forces of voting rights muster the same enthusiasm and powers of mobilization as these astroturfing anti maskers?
This kind of energy can also be directed into positive direct actions and civil disobedience, yet, there isnt a will or a spark, or even any organizational attempts being made as far as I can tell.
The ignorant disregard for facts and disrespect for others wellbeing make me cringe, but the determination gathered behind their misguided convictions is noteworthy.
Why aren't the other Dem Senators waging massive campaigns against Man-chin and Cinema
in WV and AZ?
Is it something that just isnt done?
Well, having an entire political party fight openly for white supremacy and Naziism while their followers stand around munching on animal dewormer and drinking piss hasnt generally been done either.
Can DU be both a scaffold and a rabbit hole?
Looking back to move forward.
Its becoming more and more evident as time passes that the indigenous peoples of our planet, slaughtered in untold millions over the last 500 years by colonial and imperialistic nations, were and are more adept at living within the parameters of their environments. Conveniently, conquerors like Europeans and their next generations of colonial offspring created gods and holy cabals who commanded this destruction of these more environmentally advanced civilizations. Only now, when the modern world stands at the edge of extinction are a few looking back to those earlier destroyed and ridiculed for leadership and answers. Sadly, greed, ignorance, and hubris are still in charge and madly speeding towards the cliff.
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Member since: Sun Oct 2, 2011, 09:19 AMNumber of posts: 5,228