Magoo48's JournalIs there still a DU app?
I finish my 75th trip around Old Sol today and am a few months into my 40th year of sobriety.
Pretty good for an old drunk surfrat from SoCal.
These are my hopes for our cross section of humanity here on DU.
May we all know peace and good health. May we continue to find ways to serve our families, our communities, and the larger entities weve divided ourselves into. In pursuit of this service, may we recognize our teachers and learn well from them.
May we passionately reject injustice where we encounter it, and may our sense of humor stay clear and strong so we can remain sane as We trudge the road of happy destiny.
Humanity is burning up, choking, drowning, dying of thirst, starving, obese, and overpopulating
our home planet while clinging stubbornly to the status quo which deposited use here. Its is now quite obvious that we cant handle the truth. So Im gonna post this song because its appropriate, and I like it.
Now American's two-tiered justice system is exposed before the world as perhaps never before.
How will it fare? Will it be seen as an ugly beast bloated beyond repair or as a body gone soft and fat by continuous feasting upon easy riches yet able to recover just enough health when needed?
I lurked about for a few years the joined DU in 2011.
I enjoy coming here and having my say about this and that.
I take a bit of heat for being a devout peacenick, for being a radical environmentalist, and advocating listener supported journalism and news, amongst some other things. Nevertheless, DU is an invigorating experience overall, and Im grateful for it.
Some of you all are brilliant writers, so reading here is a rewarding way of accessing news.
Keep up the good work DU
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Member since: Sun Oct 2, 2011, 10:19 AMNumber of posts: 4,970