limpyhobbler's JournalJust saw supermoon
It seemed a little brighter than normal but that could be partly because I'm used to city moons and it seems brighter out here in the booneys? Southeastern Ohio.
Pretty sure I've seen super-er.
Still, hey, free supermoon, can't beat that.
debt, it stinks
I've put gasoline and groceries on a credit card just to get by to the next payday. Needed it to get to work so I could keep the job. Paid doctors and pharmacies with a credit card to get healthy, so I wouldn't miss work and lose pay. Car died, no money, took on debt for a car, so that I could work to get money to pay off my credit cards.
Debt is a trap for many people as they need to borrow money just to be able to work and make money. Sometimes when you are lucky you can climb out. But with just a little bit of bad timing and bad luck, this becomes a lifelong treadmill of misery.
It's like a modern form of slavery or serfdom. All for the benefit of being able to maintain a very small super-rich class in lives of unimaginable excess and luxury. And then they think they earned it.
Yep so-called free market capitalism is really a set of rules designed to protect wealth
for those who already have it. For the most part. When they win they win, and when they lose, they stil win.
If Taft-Hartley were repealed, then a Union could vote to join a general strike,
And union officials could sanction it. And it would be legal; the union would not be risking any kind decertification or discipline by the NLRB.
True wildcat strikes would still be unprotected as per the NLRA of 1935, but so what. Union-sanctioned political strikes would be a powerful force for change. We need it imho.
It would be a lot better than what we have now, where if a union wants to join in a general strike, current law makes it impossible for union officials to support it.
Anybody making a list of demands please make sure to add repeal the taft-hartley act to your list.
The very first thing we ought to do is repeal the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947
That's the law that makes it illegal for unions to officially participate in a general strike, political strike, or solidarity strike. That's been a price we pay for the legal protections afforded to unions under the NLRA. But there's no reason why it has to be that way.
Repealing those restrictions ought to be the very first thing we do.
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Gender: MaleHome country: USA
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Member since: Thu Nov 17, 2011, 06:31 AM
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