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marble falls's JournalU.S. Marines Won't Stop Taking LSD
U.S. Marines Wont Stop Taking LSD
The Pentagon has conducted almost 4,000 drug tests for acid since this summer.
by Matthew Gault
December 4, 2020, 8:51am
According to a press release, the Marines have performed almost 4,000 LSD tests since the summer. LSD testing is so infrequent that the Marines had to partner with the Armed Forces Medical Examiner lab in Dover, Delaware to mass produce tests. We are committed to identifying violators of our ethos, Donovan said. The vast majority of Marines within the 2d Marine Division routinely uphold our core values, and they deserve to know that the Marines to their left and right are doing the same.
It may seem odd, but LSD has a long and storied history of use by Americas armed forces. At a military base in Wyoming, Airmen in charge of launching Americas nuclear arsenal loved to eat acid between shifts. Monitoring the nuclear arsenal is a boring job and, to pass the time, airmen in charge of the nukes would get high. "I absolutely just loved altering my mind, one airman said in 2018 when the ring of LSD buddies was busted.
The LSD-Marine connection goes deeper. In February 2019 issue of the Marine Corps Gazette, a journal published by the Marine Corps Association, Major Emre Albayrak of the U.S. Marine Corps published a paper advocating that intelligence officers microdose LSD to help them with their job.
Our own units, such as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, seek cognitive advan-tages via unorthodox methods such as mind gyms and sensory deprivation tanks, Albayrak said. The cognitive advantage they seek is flowor ekstasis from the Greek, which Plato describes as an altered state where our normal waking consciousness vanishes completely, replaced by an intense euphoria and a powerful connection to a greater intelligence. This phenomena is described as a non-ordinary state of consciousness in which individuals tend to have heightened focus, pattern recognition, and reaction time. Flow can be observed in a seasoned close-quarters battle team clearing a complex structure.
NCIS Warns Navy After LSD Investigations Surge 70% | By Hope Hodge Seck
"From 2003 to 2006, the Department of Defense forensic drug laboratories detected only four instances of positive urinalysis for LSD out of a sample of over two million samples," NCIS officials said in their release. "As a result, the Navy discontinued testing for LSD in late 2006 by directive of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics."
There have been recent indicators that LSD is making a resurgence in popularity among troops, despite the military's zero-tolerance drug policy. In 2018, The Associated Press reported that U.S. Air Force investigators had uncovered a drug ring at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, where LSD was among the substances of choice for airmen whose job included guarding nuclear missiles.
Of the 190 investigations initiated since 2018, "many" remain active, Houston told He said that the investigations were global, not concentrated in a particular region or installation, but declined to comment further "out of respect for the investigative process."
"International, federal, state, and local law enforcement are working collectively, using a variety of techniques to infiltrate marketplaces, identify users, and combat the illicit drug threat," NCIS officials said. "NCIS, in conjunction with law enforcement partners, continues to use investigative tools--including source networks and tipsters--to identify and prosecute DON personnel attempting to buy LSD or other illicit substances on the dark web."
-- Hope Hodge Seck can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @HopeSeck.
Hackers try to penetrate the vital 'cold chain' for coronavirus vaccines
Hackers try to penetrate the vital cold chain for coronavirus vaccines, security team reports
William Booth
Dec. 3, 2020 at 9:47 a.m. EST
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LONDON -snip-
The IBM team said the precision targeting of executives and key global organizations hold[s] the potential hallmarks of nation-state tradecraft.
The IBM team said it was not known why the hackers were trying to penetrate the systems. It suggested that the intruders might want to steal information, glean details about technology or contracts, create confusion and distrust, or disrupt the vaccine supply chains.
The hackers probably sought advanced insight into the purchase and movement of a vaccine that can impact life and the global economy, the IBM team said.
Because there was no clear path to a cash-out as there is in a ransomware attack, there was an increased likelihood of a state actors being involved, IBM said. However, the IBM investigators cautioned, it was still possible that criminals could be looking for ways to illegally obtain a hot black-market commodity such as an initially scarce vaccine.
It might not be so simple for Trump to pardon his children and Giuliani
It might not be so simple for Trump to pardon his children and Giuliani
Opinion by Aaron Rappaport
Dec. 3, 2020 at 3:38 p.m. EST
Aaron Rappaport is a law professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law.
Most observers assume that the president is free to issue blanket pardons, believing the presidents power in this area is effectively unlimited beyond the few constraints explicitly mentioned in the Constitution (no pardons in cases of impeachment, or for state crimes). My scholarship suggests that interpretation is incorrect.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed that the scope of the pardon clause should be interpreted in light of its meaning at the time of the founding. This originalist methodology means looking to 18th-century English law. As the court said in an 1855 case, when the words to grant pardons were used in the constitution, they conveyed to the mind the authority as exercised by the English crown, or by its representatives in the colonies. At that time both Englishmen and Americans attached the same meaning to the word pardon.
That meaning included what might be called a specificity requirement a pardon would be deemed valid only if it identified the specific offenses to which it applied. As William Blackstone, the leading authority on English law at the time, declared: A pardon of all felonies will not pardon a conviction. Instead, the offense must be particularly mentioned. Blanket pardons, in other words, were invalid.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on the specificity requirement, and the question of the validity of any blanket pardon by Trump would come up only if a federal prosecutor seeks to indict a pardon recipient who raises the pardon as a barrier to prosecution.
I've noticed when we meet friends in the grocery store, if their nose is over their masks ...
... I find myself staring at their noses.
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