redstatebluegirl's JournalYou know things are messed up when
a school board election revolves around guns. This is just crazy! In our school district we have been getting robo calls (that in itself is nuts for a school board election) from a guy who supports arming teachers as well as staff in our schools. I would never have thought this issue would get down to school board elections, how nuts is that???????
How do I report someone who posted something vile
Are we getting close to a civil war?
I feel the question has to be asked. Our public discourse has become so vile and divisive, our government cannot function due to the divide and it all seems to be red state, blue state, north south in nature. I am from the north and now live in the south, I can tell you it is like night and day and can be very uncomfortable at times. I do not talk politics much with neighbors and coworkers (when I was working), we are afraid to honk at a bad driver, you never know if they are armed and angry.
We need a two party system, it keeps both sides honest, but we need a two party system that works for the good of the country not the good of the Koch brothers, the big banks and the NRA. My Grandfather always said Democracy will die when you have an uneducated electorate are we there?
Has anyone here had a spinal fusion
I had a fusion 3 years ago, L5-S1. My doctor tells me I have had a good outcome, but I still have weakness after standing for a fairly short period of time. Is this normal?
Gun Shows Concern Me
We have gun shows in our state almost weekly it seems. The news covers them, you see people coming and going. I think we have to figure out how to check the people who buy at these shows, there should be a waiting period just like there is when buying from a dealer. Some of the people I saw interviewed were so angry with the government it scared me.
Not throwing stones at the legal sane gun owners, but every group has it fringes and the fringe of that group is dangerous. Just look at James Yeager.
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Member since: Tue Aug 14, 2012, 06:29 PM
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