OLDMDDEM's JournalI see you have the same problem in your district
Our son lives in Bartlett's district and thinks he is the best. I don't see it.
I'm proud to be a Dem
but I just don't see the love affair my district has with Steny.
I feel your grade is too high. I don't like the privatization streak you mentioned.
thank you for that
Years ago I called his office as I needed help with my business. I went to my appointment with him and he never showed up. No apology no nothing. I followed him closely and realize that he may have voted for some bills that really helped his constituents, but he really didn't help this constituent. Thank you for your response.
over the years
I have been unimpressed with Steny. I turned Dem during the Clinton administration, but find Steny to be nothing but a bought and sold congressman. I wish someon could convince me otherwise. I early voted last night and could not vote for him.
It doesn't matter
I wouldn't run for any office. Powell should have apologized (he didn't). This caused him to lose credibility. Even though he did say he was duped, he showed remorse but never said those two magic words.
I hope he cries in his pillow. Mika should be slapping him in the face with a bat for all the comments he made about Obama.
You said that so eloquently
I fully agree with your sentiments and hope that Romney crawls back in his hole with Ann right behind him after the elction is over.
This doesn't surprise me
While this doesn't surpirse me, why hasn't this come out before now? There are only six days left til election day. Is this the October Surprise or is Hurrican Sandy?
But isn't it typical of conservatives?
They are the "me, me, me" party. If it isn't about them, then it really doesn't matter. We people (remember Ann Romney's "You poeple" line?) are not insignificant. We really are a majority and can turn an election if we all care enough to vote. Romney definitely would not be good for women, which would mean he is not good for the country.
Profile Information
Name: Cary KrenkGender: Male
Hometown: Bowie, Maryland
Home country: USA
Current location: Maryland
Member since: Thu Aug 16, 2012, 11:46 AM
Number of posts: 2,182