imanamerican63's JournalRyan, AGAIN? Part Deuce, "the Idiot speaks yet again"!
He says they are working hard at fixing our problems! Well, 1st, you are overlooking and covering for a big problem which is Trump and 2nd, you and the dysfunctional GOPer's are the problem! Moron, you must be drunk, still? Resign and problems solved!
Responsible and sober? This were his words, in dealing with the investigation of Trump and all his scandals! Weeeeee, this could be a wild ride! Such a big job for such a mindless, drunk child!
There has something bothering me with Trump?
He won't show his "taxes" because they will implement him in illegal dealings with a foreign adversary, like Russia. On the other hand, Putin has notes and tapes of the meetings in the oval office, which is illegal. Right??????
Note to the GOP!
What is difference between ignorance and stupidity? It's not loyalty to Trump, but it is loyalty to the constitution and to the American people. So, if you want to be ignorant to Trump's dealings and want to play stupid to help cover up his illegal ways? The answer from the American people will be our loyalty to replace you with those who cares about us, the ones who pays your salary. Your agenda is your down fall and Trump will drag you into obscurity and we the people will finally have our voices heard.
If this draining the swamp, Trump? You are doing the job all by yourself!
This is your doing and yours alone. Just like your business you tried to step on people on your way to the top and now that dam you built has sprung a YUGE crack and your little hands can't plug the cracks! LOCK HIM UP!What in the hell is "wholly appropriate"?
Gen. Mc Master's explaining a Trump's F***-up with the Russians! He must have gotten that word from TrumpMaster!?Good job Trump, NOT!!!!!!!!!
More info is coming out what Trump told the Russian spy twins. He may have just be the dumbest traitor against his own country? Amazing he was able to become so rich? Oh wait, he lied, stole and wormed his way to the top!
Trump is the biggest buffoon ever to hold office!
He has done some outrageous things, much worse than Nixon or Bush #2 and he continues to think he has the power to do what he wants. The scary part is, he can! He throws his surrogates under the bus by telling them to say one thing and he either says or tweets the total opposite and make the surrogates look foolish. Just think, if we have 3 1/2 years more of this garbage politics? These country will never recover from Trump's stupidity!
I have a secret, do you have a secret?
Yep, and it is plain to see! Trump is an idiot who can't shut up! The leaking of top secrets to the Russian is "A Clear and Present Danger" to our country, our military and our allies. So, when is enough is enough for the GOP to start the process to remove this clown from the White House. Even if there was not highly sensitive secrets disclosed, they need to take action.
Who on DU, think Sen. Graham is caving in to Trump?
He refuses to say that a independent investigation should be put in place. He was on Meet the Press and I was confused by his answers. He said there is no proof of collusion and if they find any, he will take the steps to go further. Is he blinded by the bright lights? We just had a president fire the FBI leader, he fired the acting AG and a judge, who were doing their jobs. This is called a direct interference with an a federal investigation. That is a crime, Sen. Graham! Open your eyes and follow the laws.
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