imanamerican63's Journal"A tremendous slap in the face"?
This is a sentence from Trump's comment about McCain's vote on health care bill. Actually it is a slap in face of McCain from Trump time after time. I may not always agree with McCain, but this man has done more for this country more times than most people ever thought to have done. Trump's insults against McCain are disgusting and maybe Trump is jealous of what them man, McCain is, a hero in so many ways?
As I read my Facebook page, I'm astonished by all the things ...
people have posted about the NFL and Trump. I am a veteran, never fought in wartime. I do stand for the playing of our National Anthem, when I'm at a live event. But I can not and will not bash anyone who kneels. It is the freedom in which I believe in. I heard something today from a guest on MSNBC and it was spot on. While those who criticize those who kneeled, where the very same people sitting at a bar and most likely did not stand while they heard the National Anthem being played.
So the wall will be invisible and they are get some samples?
How will they find the "best" sample if the can't see them?
Weiner gets 21 months!
Why is it now that Trump has an issue with the NFL and the players?
1) He thinks he can shame them and feed his basic.
2) He wants to make more news concerning himself and feed his base.
3) He knows he won't get his way, so he needs keep his base.
4) He is looking to pick a fight with anyone he can, to feed his base.
5) He is listening to Fox News and they're provoking this by rhetoric for his base.
It is all about his base, being a bully, and his rhetoric. Not Colin Kaepernick, it is all about Trump! Maybe some feel that what the NFL did yesterday was wrong, but you know what? They did not just have a few kneel, lock arms or stayed in the locker room, the whole league did it as one. What can you say about that? It shows unity and that is what we need out of our government. This is one thing the NFL has gotten right.
This health bill that the GOP keeps bringing up, is like acid reflex! When it comes up.....
it give me a bad taste in my mouth! They are going to keep bringing up this bill until it passes! Let's hope we can get enough Repukes to stop it!!!!
We have a mad man sending rockets off, but.....
we have a mad man running his mouth! One is a child and the other is a man child! So, the world will have to hope that people around these two fools, will prevail in keeping the peace!
Repeat "DOTARD"?
Trump has to live in the pass in order to live tomorrow! He rehashed his campaign rhetoric and he was campaigning for the "loser" in Alabama! I would say unbelievable, but what else is new?
Flipped channels over to Fox Shameless News....
and they are talking about the travel ban!
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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