imanamerican63's JournalDid anyone catch the video of McConnell avoiding Kasey Hunt from Tuesday?
He doesnt walk as tall as he did before Trumps stunt with the Bible photo op? I dont have a video, he walked with slumped shoulders and looked pale!
I'm 5'6" and 230 lbs!
Trump is not 244 lbs! He has to be 40 lbs or more heavier than me! I have high blood pressure and am a diabetic! They say he has normal blood pressure??? I watch what I eat and my cholesterol is not where it should be! He eats fast food most everyday! Take it with a grain of salt on how Trumps health is. Granted I dont know what his health status is like, but I know my own conditions where are? I can get an idea of what he is going through.
This is a mess and Trump won't fix it!
We have riots in our streets and where is the "law and order" man? Hiding from what? Afraid of what? Why doesn't he care?
All question the GOPers should asked themselves, but they won't!
The Esper Firing Watch!
Tic toc! Tic toc!
By this afternoon. will Trump fire Esper?
Indeed Trump will!
Steve King-R IA may just be on his way out?
He is currently is in 2nd in his in primary!
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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