kairos12's JournalThe RNC Built That
A presidential campaign supported by cranky white men, financed by a nearly indicted co-conspirator of treason, which excluded every other segment of society that makes up our country, dedicated to preventing women from controlling their reproductive rights, and with the goal of ultimately turning our country into a kleptocracy.
Didn't work.
Reason Boner and the Owl Wouldn't Take the President's Call on Election Night
Fox Noise told them Obama Phones. Got scared about getting photographed.
One Solution for Talking With Wing Nut Relatives You Can't or Wont Cut-Off
I hear them as parental units talking in the Peanuts Specials. Wha-Wha-Whant!!
Petreaus Hearings
The right wing mob is in full thunder conspiracy mode because the "affair Petreaus" will deprive them of the opportunity to find out what secrets are supposedly behind the Benghazi attack. What dark of the moon landscape do these thugs live on? How about calling Petreaus to ask him how the Shrub and Cheney lied us into a war? That hearing I would turn in for.
Rmoney Biography
It is wonderful to know that every introduction of Rmoney from this day forward will begin with the line "Willard Rmoney, the losing Republican Presidential candidate of 2012." That stink is so bad it"s the one thing even his cayman accounts can't scrub off.
Help Please New to DU
Can someone explain to me the steps needed to place links in your posts.
Rmoney's Planned Fireworks Fizzle
How fitting is it that Robme's planned fireworks for his anticipated victory did not occur in Boston Harbor. The voters pulled a Boston Tea Party on him and dumped his show in a electoral wipe out. The 47 percent snuck on board the SS Show Me The Money But Not the Taxes and turned out the lights. Standing in his hotel palace he must have had a mini bar moment when the fireworks were recalled by the voters. He should have read the label on the fireworks:
Asshat Franklin Graham
He says America elected Obama. Now God will destroy America. Sorry, the Shrub tried that already. Didn't work.
Suggested Presidential Announcement
Priority is making Senator Mcconnell's term in office end in 2014.
Empty Chair Redo
You see I got this empty chair and sitting in is defeated candidate Rmoney. What I want to say to him is:
1. Car elevators in La Jolla-really?
2. Seamus is smiling somewhere.
3. Even one of Palin's kids served in the military.
4. 47% of the people, plus 3% more vetoed your redo of the Oval Office.
5. People can relate more easily to a talking horse than a dancing horse.
6. Vulturing good jobs in the heartland of America does not add to your resume.
7. Severe conservative--severe butt kicking.
8. Hugging Trump equals a defeated Chump.
9. Read the transcript before you spew lies in a Nationally televised debate.
Anybody care to what may be said to the empty chair?
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Member since: Tue Nov 6, 2012, 10:29 AMNumber of posts: 13,355