kairos12's JournalKoch Brothers and Rove
After all the money spent with little results maybe Rove gets the Seamus treatment on top of the Koch brothers fracking drilling trucks.
SNL Victoria Jackson Loon
Ex SNLer Victoria Jackson said on Twitter America died last night. Confusion of country with career me thinks.
Fox Zombies Down
The Red State howling mob that permeates my neighborhood was silent last night. It's like the brain dead zombies animated by Faux News all fell dead in the street when Rove's attempt to steal Ohio didn't work. Yes, those folks that gladly agree with the burning of Copernicus and shouting down science at the Scopes Trial were silent for a moment. Yes, I know, they will be animated again by the infusion of Citizens United Money. But for one moment last night, I breathed a breath of sanity and clarity, and now wait for the return of the Tea Party Zombies. Grateful for the results, but vigilant. Always.
Romney Concede--Get Out the Sore Romneyman Signs
Gillespie On ABC
Sees the numbers breaking his way. His nose started coming out of the TV at me, I don't have 3D TV. Glad I don't.
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