kairos12's JournalRead today.
Post by United Humanists:
Unmask our kids.
No more car seats.
Bring back lead paint.
Bike helmets are mind control.
Bring back secondary smoke.
Seatbelts are repression.
Amber Alerts are drone surveillance--I added that one.
Commander/Governor Abbott
I saw where he made a public service announcement using the pithy phrase: "Turn Around, Don't Drown."
What he should say is: "Don't cavort, no abort."
I got vaccinated
and the next day my printer ran out of ink.
After my second my tires were low on air.
No booster for me.
That's about it.
Sorry I don't recall where I read it, possibly a doc on CNN.
Looking at the upcoming Fall and Winter we are facing this reality, 3 possibilities.
1. Get vaccinated.
2. Get Delta, unvaccinated, and clog the hospitals.
3. Get vaccinated and possibly still get Delta, with far less health consequences.
What do HOF pitchers
Greg Maddux, Juan Marichal, Pedro Martinez, Jim Bunning, and Hoyt Wilhelm all have in common.
At one time in their careers they all pitched for the Dodgers.
In the movie when the villagers find out they have a monster in their midst they all race to castle with torches and pitchforks in hand. With FrankenMAGA, the village COVIDIOTs defend the monster, race down from the castle and burn their own village down.
You have to be kidding.
"Condi Lie to Everyone Rice" (NBC) being interviewed about Afghanistan and National Security.
She ignored briefings and warnings about pending attacks from terrorists because it was a "Clinton" priority. July 2001.
More than asleep at the switch.
She was culpable.
Then backed the bogus attack on Iraq.
Whenever I see a reporting
story by Richard Engel I think Death Merchant or War Vampire.
Blow dried ghoul.
During WWII the number of Americans killed per day averaged 220.
The 7 day average for the past week for deaths from COVID is 1272 per day.
Overheard Conversation
I was walking past a corner and overheard some Corona Virus talking amongst their spikey selves.
CV1 says to CV2: "I just came back from the football game. I couldn't believe. Targets everywhere. No masks. No vaccines. Just people spewing my cousins into the air and onto everyone."
CV2: "Yeah man! Quite an experience. People are pretty stupid. Even we adapt and change. People not so much."
CV!: "Well. I'll be seeing you. I 'm heading to that big MAGA rally later this month in D.C."
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