kairos12's JournalACA Subsidies as disincentive to work???
It seems like the "liberal media" keeps reporting on how the ACA subsidies are turning people into lazy lay abouts. More accurate is freedom from job lock.
Funny how you never hear about how CEO golden parachutes, distributed to these pirates after wrecking their companies, are never reported as disincentives to work.
Thanks to the anonymous person for the donated heart.
I live square in the middle of a red state so my DU community means means much to me.
Thanks again.
Proposed Documentary Title for Sochi Games
Given the abundant yellow water conditions these winter games should be titled "Triumph of the Swill."
A question for the Community
As the endless Benghazi "scandal" drags on, it made me wonder what the chances were that, if 9-11 happened on his watch, President Obama would have been impeached. I suppose it would matter greatly what the composition of Congress was.
I think there is a very real chance it would have happened. What do you think?
Ding! Ding! The One Percent Defense at Trial and It's a Winner.
More than half a century ago, West Side Story satirized the idea that what was then known as juvenile delinquency was a product of poverty and the psychological maladjustments it produced, and that therefore this boy dont need a judge, he needs an analysts care.
Since then, America has been busy transforming itself into an unabashed plutocracy: while median household income has barely budged since the mid-1960s, the annual income of the top 1 percent has increased by an average of approximately 200 percent in real terms.
So perhaps its not surprising that the belief that economic deprivation leads to psychological hardship, which in turn inspires youthful crimes, has not merely been discarded but, in some cases, actually inverted.
Later in the article the author says the defense team said the defendant was "depraved because he wasn't deprived." Given this defense, I expect to see precious trust fund kids outfitted shortly with uncharged IPODS, canceled credit cards, and last years BMWs, in order to install in them some form of a conscience.
Just saw the President's Message of Support for U.S. Olympic Team.
After seeing the President's message of support for the U.S. Olympic Team Speaker Boner and his band of Teathugs responded by saying they can't be sure the President can be trusted to truly support the team. In response, the Teathugs have withdrawn their support of the United States Olympic Team. In addition, Boner said the Olympic Team likely trained on that phony Obama snow.
Raygun--Worst President Ever
With his superficially sunny disposition and a ruthless political strategy of exploiting white-male resentments Reagan convinced millions of Americans that the threats they faced were: African-American welfare queens, Central American leftists, a rapidly expanding Evil Empire based in Moscow, and the do-good federal government.
Here's to the Grifter: a bad actor, an ignorant man, and the worst President ever.
Harvard study says lack of Medicaid expansion in red states will kill thousands
Thousands of Americans will die as a result of red state governors refusal to expand Medicaid and extend health coverage to their states neediest citizens, according to a study by researchers at Harvard University and the City University of New York.
This article reflects the Rethug two health care priorities:
1. Accelerate the race to the bottom for being the worst provider of health care for their poorest citizens.
2. Number 1 Rethug health care plan, "Hey Poor and destitute, hurry up and die."
Bill O’Reilly complains: If I ask about Benghazi, ‘I’m a doofus, a scandal-monger'
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/02/05/bill-oreilly-complains-if-i-ask-about-benghazi-im-a-doofus-a-scandal-monger/Can those words be placed on the crawl every time O'really's face comes on TV? Just asking.
"Sniveling Apologizers at MSNBC"
First of all, the last two apologies were not at all necessary. Melissa Harris Perry called Mitt Romney's black grandson gorgeous (go back and check the tape). Yes, it would have been nice if someone on the set said, "God bless their hearts for being open minded in adopting someone outside of their race." This is about as minor an infraction as I could imagine. Instead we got a tearful apology that was hard to watch and hard to stomach.
Now, there was a tweet sent out about how some right-wingers might not like a biracial ad by Cheerios. Gee...
I think Cenk about covers it in this extended article.
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