kairos12's JournalRed State Response to Questions About My Hat
I am waiting to be asked how long I have worn my oil stained baseball cap. Why? So I can respond by saying, "I don't know man, I'm not a scientist."
Also works for age of house, children, in-laws, dog, baseball glove, mentos in glove compartment, and pizza in the back of the frig.
The Red State scientific method, where ignorance is not only bliss, but required.
Full of B.S. in Arizona
Between McCain backing away from his bogus comments on Benghazi, and the following article from the past on our lame duck Senator "it's not meant to be a factual statement Kyl", you learn what Arizona Democrats know, ARIZONA SENATORS ARE FULL OF SHIT, INCLUDING THE INCOMING NUTCASE JEFF FLAKE.
Sick of the Phrase "Walk Back"
Apparently Boner made some conciliatory remarks about the Affordable Care Act right after the election. Now that he wants that act on the table as part of fiscal cliff negotiations subsequently, he had to "walk back" his previous remarks. Let's take a stroll down all the things Boner and his thugs would like to "walk back."
1. The right to organize as a union
2. Reproductive health rights for women.
3. Equality to serve in the military or be married.
4. Public school funding.
5. Bank regulation.
6. Environmental protection.
7. Any scientific fact that clashes with religious nuts.
8. The Voting Rights Act.
These are just on the tip of my tongue. Anybody have more things Boner and the teaparty zombies want to walk back?
Election Night Conversation
On election night I spent it with like-minded political friends. In one of our discussions I mentioned that I hated Rmoney and everything he stood for. My friend was taken aback by this and asked if I really hated him. Upon reflection, two weeks later, I can answer I still absolutely hate the guy. He reminds of unearned privilege, he smacks of rampart hypocrisy, narrow paternalism, overbearing religious dogma, and two loathsome s's--smug and smirk.
I still hate him, but will think of him no more. He is a loser footnote in history. I don't hate that.
Iceberg Republican Strategy
According to the logic of the following article, the Titanic would have saved more passengers if it had fewer lifeboats. I say, sail on Republican ship, the Crazy One Percent.
Broadwell Loses Security Clearance/Petreaus Keeps His
According to this article Petreaus has been allowed to keep his security while Broadwell's was revoked. The wording in the article describes this Top Secret Clearance as a "golden ticket" which allows Petreaus access to lucrative private contracts.
Too bad Lilly Ledbetter can't be enforced here.
No State Funding for Libraries In Louisiana
Is is possible for Red State voters to become more low-informationed, so to speak? Louisiana will give it a try. Libraries, not a priority. I don't see an improvement in Teabagger spelling anytime soon.
Lincoln Film and the Affordable Care Act
I watched the movie yesterday and quite liked it. As the film mostly deals with the passage of the 13th Amendment (banning slavery) I was struck by the debate currently going on in our society today. In witnessing the wave of red state governors refusing to set up their state for Health Care exchanges it reminded of the debate portrayed in the film over the passage of the anti-slavery amendment. In many ways today the debate over whether someone is afforded health care by nature of being a human being versus something you "earn" echos the debate as to whether a person only has value if he is deemed employable, and thus is entitled to health care. The linkage between work and health care chains a person to their job even if other opportunities come available to them that would benefit them, their families, and society in general. In the end, it seems that some debates never end, Democrats see people, who, at a basic level are deserving of health care regardless of economic status or birth right. Republicans see people as chattel whose existence is only worthwhile as property and can be discarded without remorse, especially if they no longer serve an economic purpose. End the linkage between health care and work. Free people.
National Prayer (political hackery) Day
Focus on the family Stooge Dobson admits National Prayer Day called for Obama's Defeat.
I'm shocked, shocked, to find fundies praying for Obama's defeat. Hey Bozo Dobson, how'd that praying work out for you?
Olympian at White House
Real Story behind visit: McKayla and the Pres give Rmoney's claims of gifts to the unwashed the Maroney Face.
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Member since: Tue Nov 6, 2012, 11:29 AMNumber of posts: 13,177