kairos12's JournalSoldiers and Students
It has always been that parents were justifiably worried about having their older children join the armed forces and face danger in foreign lands. Today, parents are equally worried about sending their children to grade school to face an enemy armed and supported by local politicians and gun nut organizations.
Second Amendment Nuts
The gun nuts always state the Second Amendment guarantees all the others. They could not be more wrong. Best I can tell, the gun nut's zealous pursuit of gun ownership yesterday denied 27 people all of their First Amendment Rights. To paraphrase Mr. Nader, the gun nuts have made our neighborhoods Unsafe at any Location. Fed up in my gun nut red state.
By the way, by the logic of the gun nuts, the country would be safer if everyone carried a gun. By that logic the world be safer if we armed everyone with nuclear weapons. I suppose then the NRA would be happy with a nuclear armed North Korea or Iran.
My deepest condolences to the families and friends of the shooting victims.
Lunching On the One Percent Bus
This article explains how the Rmoney campaign charged reporters over eight hundred dollars for a single campaign meal. A case of the per diem reporters riding on the one percent bus. An example of what would have happened to all us of 99 percenters if Rmoney had been elected.
Parasitic Corporate Culture
Fox News has convinced the Red States the guvment is their enemy. This article details who the real enemies are:
1. Medical Providers--Insurance Companies
2. Retirement Brokers
3. Banks
4. Higher Education Sharpies and Crooks
5. Big Box and Fast Food Greedheads
Just imagine what Rmoney would have done with this line up behind him.
Rubio Updates Us on the age of the Earth
Apparently the earth is billions of years old. Rubio updates previous "I don't know I'm not a scientist man" comment of last week. Included are other incisive updates from scientist Rubio:
1. The earth is not flat--won't commit beyond that.
2. Gravity is a theory yet unproven.
3. Lessening the tax rates on the uber rich is good for all-that is scientific fact.
4. The fewer people allowed to vote the better the democracy.
5. Weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq--it's just not well known.
Ronald Reagan and his Tea Party Zombies
Whenever I find myself in the unfortunate position of hearing anything about Reagan I do my best to ask the person if he or she remembers where, in all of these here United States, Reagan chose to give his first post convention speech in 1980. Uniformly they don't remember. That would be Philadelphia, Mississippi. Yes sir, the spot near which the civil rights workers were murdered in 1964. His theme, of course, was "States Rights."
As Rethug teabaggers try to strip away voting rights, LGBT rights, health care mandates, abortion rights, and apparently, today, the rights of the disabled in that Senate Vote, I always remember the hater political blood line of others who dare to be different, or less fortunate goes back a ways in time. Cold comfort, but a reality check.
Romney Hair Cut
These guys cut the electoral hair off of Rmoney. They didn't even have to hold him down to it.
Dumb-Ass Jan Brewer Tea Bag Puppet Governor in Arizona
This link shows Governor Dumb-ass Brewer saying the warming temperatures on the planet are caused by other things. Watch till the end where she forgets the camera is still on. Priceless.
The hits just keep on coming, this week she refused to set up Health Care Exchanges in Arizona.
She is a miserable teabagging waste of epidermis.
Dog Crap Teabagger Message
The other day I was waiting at a crosswalk and passed the time by reading the numerous offensive bumper stickers on a Teabagger SUV idling a lane over. It was the usual Kenyan, fascist, socialist, gun-taking, communist, rmoney, crap you see all the time in my Red State. After I got the sign to walk I immediately stepped in a pile of dog shit. Although these offensive messages usually motivate me to action, I think the universe had translated the figurative to the literal for me in two easy steps. It was also a reminder to me to keep my eyes off of the teabagger gutter and on the reality based gutter.
Negotiations With Boner's Party
Given Boner and his merry band of Teabaggers are willing to fiscally burn down our country to the benefit of the gilded gated one percent doesn't that discussion with Boner run a foul of our national policy not to negotiate with terrorists? Just wondering.
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Member since: Tue Nov 6, 2012, 10:29 AMNumber of posts: 13,350