Enoki33's JournalDon't think tRump will resign. The real question is how far will he be willing to
go in destroying the country so that he can became the most powerful despotic ruler? His wall gambit is about preserving his insurance against removal after impeachment, but that may only be workable if it is not fully exposed that his election was really a fraud perpetrated by the Russian government on his behalf. This is where the Mueller report comes into play. It is conceivable he will still believe he can again use the same illegalities to win in 2020. My guess is it all depends on what his handler Putin tells him to do. And that handler is after maximum disruption.
Somehow it always seems to boil down to a insultingly insinuating level
that POC are somehow inherently different, and deserving of a tag that says we are worth less no matter how much we strive for human dignity and economic justice. Trying to turn us into a petting zoo will not help the children of a morally bankrupt family that accepts the public racist attacks on Elizabeth Warren as normal. Despite the odds we will struggle on with the help of good people.
Personally l believe when all the evidence of the ruling family's
treasonous criminality is exposed there will be no other option than impeachment, removal and out of office prosecution. Either we are a nation of laws, or we are not. As to the tearing apart of our country - we are already torn apart, and the healing can only begin after the cancer has been removed.
Don't think he was initially bluffing. He saw it as another way of usurping
more power. Power is the real drug he craves, and because he is such a self absorbed ignoramus he is unable to see beyond the ruling concept. He once again is caught in a trap of his own making, with no good vanity way out while it continues to expose his total lack of humanity, bottomless lack of shame, and never ending ability to blatantly lie. The dog has the bone, but doesnt know what to do with it.
Putin was a highly trained KGB agent specifically focused on recruitment
of intelligence assets in Europe. And he chose so very well, from his POV, when in the 80s he targeted dotard who so perfectly fit Russian MICE (money, ideology, compromise and ego) guidelines. Malcolm Nance has been writing and saying this for a long time now, and today we are beginning to see and acknowledge how right he was and is. Malcolm personifies the meaning of patriotism, as does the other experts on Joys panel quietly shouting a wake up call to the nation. It is extremely difficult to wrap your mind around the fact that the evidence as we know it clearly points to the president being a active agent of the Kremlin. It is the face of the long predicted constitutional crisis.
Not sure if impeachment would be the best thing for the nation. The 30
percent that believes the Fox propaganda will see it as some sort of attempted coup. Better to have the criminal / traitor overwhelmingly rejected at the ballot box. The criminal justice system, coupled with release of the results of the various investigations, will take care of him. His disgrace will be complete when he finally loses the towering symbols of his vanity and corruption. He may end up in jail, or maybe even Russia.
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Name: MikeGender: Male
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