Enoki33's JournalThink I disagree. Minds will be changed, and
the Republican brand will take another nosedive, only this time much more ugly and far reaching. Putting a face, a personality and a call for truth and patriotism to courageous actions will always overcome the acts of betrayal.
Difficult to see what we are primarily
responsible for. The sad thing is that many of the economic problems are relatively easy to solve in ways that benefit both
Cuba and the US. I often wonder what the world would be like without politics and religion.
The papers are more confirmation of
what we already know. Really fascinating to follow the decision making process of the Kremlin, and of the hands on control still maintained by ex KGB chief Putin. TFG has been, and is, a traitor that has to be held accountable, even if only by history.
I suspect the climate crisis will accelerate
to a point where it destabilizes politics and society to provide increasing fertile atmosphere for authoritarian rule, or outright dictatorship. The past flagrant political abuse of the rule of law has already provided a roadmap for those that see white christian minority rule as a solution to all problems. Idealism is not a winning strategy to combat the threat. The good news is it doesn't have to happen. But only if we act now.
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Name: MikeGender: Male
Hometown: Newport, OR
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Member since: Thu Mar 14, 2013, 06:07 PM
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