ShazzieB's JournalTrump's Psychologist Niece Says 'Donald Is Dementing'
Source: Daily Beast
Donald Trumps niece says her uncles mental condition is declining and that he is now demonstrably untethered from reality.
Mary Trump, the psychologist and writer who is now an outspoken critic of her fathers younger brother, addressed the former presidents cognition after his rambling, incoherent answer to a question about childcare last week. Asked at the Economic Club of New York about what legislation he would advance to make childcare more affordable if he wins back the White House, Trump blathered on for almost two minutes in a response that left media pundits at a loss to explain what he was trying to say.
Its deeply disturbing that somebody as unhinged and incoherent as Donald is allowed to run for the presidency in the first place (and that leaves aside all of the other disqualifying things about him), Mary Trump wrote, lamenting a lack of urgency from the media in the face of Donalds increasingly bizarre behavior.
On any given day, he is demonstrably untethered from realityand it often seems that the reason the warning lights arent constantly flashing red is because nobody covering him expects otherwise, she continued. Surely a political press corps that spent months arguing that President Bidens age rendered him mentally unfit, wouldnt look the other way when the Republican candidate, the oldest person to run for president in American history, is not only old but decompensating before our very eyes. The difference of course is that Biden is aging while Donald is dementing.
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Of course he's always right! /s
In his tiny, diseased mind, I mean. It's part and parcel of his malignant narcissim.
He has a profound need to believe he's always right, in order to maintain his narcissistic delusions of being the smartest, strongest, most successful, most amazing person in the world. Admitting that he's ever made a mistake is anathema to him, as is admitting that there's anything he doesn't know more about than anyone else.
I believe this is why he can't stop yapping about the court cases he's lost. He knows that losing a civil case or being convicted of a crime means that somebody decided he was WRONG about something, and that is intolerable to him! He feels compelled to keep telling the world the verdicts were wrong and "why" and painting himself as the injured party.
Of course, that behavior only hurts him in a multitude of ways, such as E. Jean Carroll taking him back to court and suing him for defaming her again, but I don't think he's capable of grasping that, at least not anymore. I think the dementia has robbed him of everything except his desperate need to be RIGHT and his compulsion to keep trying to convince the world of that.
I think this is only going to get worse as the dementia progresses. It's absolutely insane that someone is so obviously and profoundly impaired has a chance of being elected president.
I don't know...
This might be helpful to some kids, I guess. But I was a loner, not because I wanted to be, but because I was painfully shy with a ton of social anxiety that was exacerbated by my family moving around too damned much during my tween and teen years. The idea of my peers being tasked with trying to "drag" me out of my shell makes me shudder. I was IN that shell to begin with because of my peers treating me like a freak because I didn't talk, dress, act, and think exactly like everybody else. The last thing I would have wanted was to be targeted with forced "friendliness" by the same kids who I already KNEW saw me as a weirdo and a misfit.
I think one of the best things schools could do is teach kids about how people are NOT all just alike, and that's OKAY.
In my experience, teens are, collectively, the most judgmental people in the world, and they can be beastly to any kid who is a little bit different in any way. Every time we moved and I had to change schools, each school had its own culture and its own rigid set of unspken rules about what was socially acceptable, and God help anyone who didn't know ALL of those rules and follow them perfectly. It was exhausting trying to figure out what the expectations were in each new place, and anyone who isn't clairvoyant is bound to mess up somewhere. So of course I did mess up,
especially when I was new somewhere and still trying to figure out how things worked.
I wish that schools would teach kids that it's perfectly all right to be "different," and that being a square peg who doesn't quite fit into the little round hole everyone thinks you should fit into does NOT mean you are a freak or a complete failure at life. It would have meant the world to me to hear a message like that, and I think it would have done the kids who were NOT misfits a lot of good as well, in a different kind of way. It might have helped all of us to be nicer to each other and less quick to pronouce judgment.
Nothing like that ever happened at any of the schools I attended. We were all allowed to treat each other however we wanted and ostracize anyone who didn't fit in The kids who knew how to fit in or had some ability they could get recognition for found success and approval in various ways while the rest of us floundered along as best we could.
The teachers never seemed to notice someone was having trouble, unless they acted out or or were literally flunking. People like me, who were quiet and shy and didn't cause any trouble, who were not stellar students but not literally failing any of their classes were ignored. I got along fine with teachers and other adults, and they never seemed to notice I had any problems or needs that weren't being met.
Nobody paid any attention to bzd bullying or acknowledged it in any way back then. Nowadays, everyone knows bullying is a thing, but the approach seems to mainly be just to tell kids not to do it and maybe punish them if they do. IF anyone is teaching kids to accept and embrace their own and each another's differences, to be kind to themselves and their peers, and to understand that we're all different and that that's a feature of being human, not a bug, I'm not aware of it. But I think that could help SO much.
P.S. Sorry for writing a freaking book, lol. This topic stuck a nerve with me!
I agree with ecery word of this and your previous post above.
He is VERY stupid but thinks he's very smart (or at least he claims he's smart - I think he may be trying to convince himself of that as much as anyone else).
In any case, his narcissism will not let him ever admit that he's not the smartest, strongest, specialest, bestest person anywhere, ever, even when his behavior is loudly proclaiming exactly the opposite!
When it comes to the lying, I don't think he relates to the concepts of true and untrue the way the rest of us do. What I mean is, I don't think he really cares if what he's saying is true or not.
Sometimes I think he knows he's lying but just doesn't care. Other times, I think he believes what he's saying while he's saying it, even though on another level, he knows perfectly well that it's not true. He doesn't bother to differentiate between truth and lies, because the difference really doesn't matter to him. He says whatever he thinks will help him get what he wants. Whether it's s true or not is beside the point as far as he's concerned.
Mary Trump has a new book coming out.
NOTE: This post accidentally got posted prematurely without my realizing it. When I posted the complete version, I got a message saying it was a duplicate, so I deleted the extra post, not realizing the remaining one was incomplete. What follows is my attempt to reconstruct the full post. Sorry for any confusion.*snip*
Now 59, Mary Trump is a trained psychologist and bestselling author. Her new book, Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir, will be published in the US on 10 September. The Guardian obtained a copy.
Mary Trumps first book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the Worlds Most Dangerous Man, was published to acclaim and huge sales in 2020, as her uncle sought re-election. A second book, The Reckoning: Our Nations Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal, followed in 2021, when Donald Trump was contemplating the third presidential run that now nears completion.
Who Could Ever Love You follows on the heels of a strikingly similar memoir, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, by Fred C Trump III, Mary Trumps now estranged older brother.
The article is worth the read, imo. I had to skip over some interesting stuff to keep my excerpt under the 4 paragraph limit.
P.S. I was sad to read here that Mary and her brother Fred are estranged. I have read Fred's book and both of Mary's and they've both been through a lot, together and separately. I hope the estrangement doesn't become a permanent thing and they can eventually find their way back to each other.
TSF reportedly threatened to disown Don Jr if he joined the military.
According to Mary Trump, her Uncle Robert told her and her brother that Donald Trump Jr. once considered joining the military, and his father threatened to disown him if he did.
This is not "new news;" the story is in Mary's book, Too Much and Never Enough, which was published in 2020. I don't think it got as much attention as it should have at the time, and I believe it needs to be resurrected, in light of other reports about Trump's disdain for the military, including his recent disgraceful behavior at Arlington National Cemetery. Please help me spread this around, in the hope that it may do further damage to his claims of being supportive of the mulitary!
Here's a brief excerpt from p. 168 of Mary's book (copied and pasted from my kindle copy):
And here is Rachel Maddow talking about this and discussing it with Mary:
*****PLEASE SHARE*****
That is a standard "pro-life" claim.
Shady Vance didn't come up with this nutty idea, and neither did Tudor Dixon. They're both just spouting something that is standard forced birther rhetoric, along with such gems as "abortion is a second act of violence against a woman who is raped," " a child is not a punishment," and "both victims the woman and her child deserve our unconditional support."
The above are all direct quotes from the website of a "pro-life" group (, and these ideas are constantly put forward as reasons not to allow rape and incest exceptions to abortion bans.
What these people don't seem to grasp is that women and girls are individuals and need to be able to make their own individual decisions about such very personal matters. There's no "one side fits all" answer to what to do about an unwanted pregnancy, no matter how it came about. It's a personal decision, and it's no one else's damned business.
Unfortunately, these people think it is their damned business, and they have some powerful backers, including the Catholic Church. We can't let that stop us from fighting for reproductive rights, of course, but we need to be aware of who we're dealing with and the beliefs that motivate them to try to outlaw abortion.
Democrats sue Georgia officials over election rules that could 'invite chaos'
Source: The Guardian
Democrats sued Georgia state election officials on Monday, alleging new rules that could allow local officials to delay certification of Novembers presidential results were illegal.
The lawsuit was filed in the superior court of Fulton county by local Georgia Democratic politicians, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic party of Georgia. It says the rules approved by the Republican-controlled Georgia state election board this month were intended to give individual county election officials the ability to delay or cancel the certification of votes.
The lawsuit says the new rules introduce substantial uncertainty in the post-election process and if interpreted as their drafters have suggested invite chaos by establishing new processes at odds with existing statutory duties.
The Georgia secretary of states office, which oversees the board, did not respond to requests for comment.
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It's a dig at the transgender community and those who support them.
The RW, especially the evangelical contingent, rejects the idea that someone can be born in a body that corresponds to one biological sex and transition to a different gender.
To them, a trans woman is just a man in a dress, and a trans man is a woman cosplaying a man, and they have a very low opinion of anyone who thinks otherwise.
Furthermore, they believe one's sex/gender is ordained by God, and that God has also prescribed specific roles for males and females that are "complementary" to each other. In their eyes, anyone who behaves in a way that does not conform with the sex roles they believe God has ordained is defying the will of God.
This takes in a wide range of behavior, including having sex with (or marrying) a person of one's own sex, dressing in a way that does not conform to "traditional" gender roles, or even a woman's refusal to bow to her husband's "God given" authority.
Those who embrace the above ideology are horrified by homosexuality, same sex marriage, gender transition, cross dressing (drag queens - men dressing like women, oh noes!); pretty much anything on the LBTQIA+ spectrum is viewed as an abomination by these folks.
Even opposing abortion ties into this, because they regard that as a woman refusing to conform to her "natural" function of having babies.
Thy make fun of us lefties, claiming we don't know the difference between a man and a woman, because we recognize the right of consenting adults to love whom they want (or just have sex with whom they want) marry whom they want (or no one, as the case may be); dress how they want; choose whether, when, and how to become parents; and live as the gender thats feels most authentic to them.
They think they're being funny and clever when they make cracks ab6out Democrats not knowing what a woman is, but all they're actually doing is displaying their own willful ignorance.
Nancy Mace RUDELY refuses ro pronounce Kamala's name correctly.
All through this video, she insists on calling Kamala Harris ka-MAH-la instead of KAH-mah-la. When corrected, she says she has the right to call Kamala anything she wants!
It's obviously deliberate, because at one point she says it the right way, then "corrects" herself.
I knew I didn't like her, but after watching this, I hate her. Not just for the willful mispronunciation, but for her smug, supercilious attitude.
Added bonus: when Mace is called out by a black panelist for disrespecting Kamala by saying she'll call the V.P. whatever she wants, and told that this is an example of "the history and legacy of white people disregarding the humanity of black people," she says, "Oh, now you're calling me racist!" and derails into acting offended and insisting she's not! (It's near the end, so fast forward to about 7:00 if you just want to see that part of it).
I can't stand uppity white people* who think they know more about what racism is than black people do!
*my term for white people who think their own opinions about racism outweigh the opinions of actual black people
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