Marcuse's JournalHe probably doesn't like this one either, allegedly taken after visiting the Oval Office.
US Ambassador to Netherlands lies about no go zones, then lies about lying, then loses his tongue. you remember when they invited him to trash President Obama?
Pelosi should invite Angela Merkel to speak.
He and Comey blew up FBI policy by trashing Hillary. Trump congratulated Comey on camera for that.
Appreciate if you will, but dont forget. The enemy of an enemy is not necessarily a friend.
This is so simple and apparent that posting about it is almost insulting, BUT---
This entire White House/DOJ/FBI/FOX cluster is a Republican circular firing squad swirling in the afterbirth of a corrupt administration conceived in espionage and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created evil, so grab whatever you can. No Democrats are targeted except Candidate Clintons Ghost.
Everything the Republicans say about each other, excluding the self serving attacks on Mueller, is true.
New Era Cap reaches severance agreement with workers, will close plant at end of March
Source: Buffalo News
Soon, the manufacture of nearly all of those caps will be outsourced to companies in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Haiti. The move is part of what New Era officials describe as a shift in the company's business model: Long a hatmaker, the 99-year-old New Era is now stepping away of the manufacturing business and fashioning itself as a branding and marketing company. New Era sells caps, apparel and accessories around the world, and operates more as a fashion brand (think Nike or Under Armour, but smaller) than as a manufacturer.
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This is in the district of the Dishonorable Chris Collins. They voted for the Impotus who promised to stop this stuff. New Era's contract with MLB required caps manufactured in the USA. All others will be outsourced to slave labor markets overseas.
Assuming arguendo,*45 is guilty of espionage, obstruction etc; what punishment would fit the crime?
Im opposed to the death penalty as a matter of principle. Not to rush to judgement, but a life sentence seems appropriate.
Because of his skin color, MS & RW media are unable to racially demonize and demagogue him
precisely because everybody (including the RW) knows all white people are not bad. Accordingly, they had to resort to demonizing the perp as a member of the anti Trump resistance.
He failed to cite the preservation of American slavery as an uncomfortable revolutionary truth. was a stronger motivation for southern representatives at Philly - taxes on tea or total financial ruin?
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