Miles Archer
Miles Archer's Journal"NBC's Andrea Mitchell Will End Her Namesake MSNBC Show" Now do Katy Tur.
NBC and MSNBC legend Andrea Mitchell will be leaving her namesake show sometime after the inauguration next year, she said on Tuesday. Shell pivot to a reporting-focused rolewithout a daily show.
The anchor announced her decision on Tuesdays Andrea Mitchell Reports, a day shy of her 78th birthday. The move marks an end to the 16-year-old MSNBC show, the longest-running daytime program on MSNBC and one that helped make Mitchell a star throughout her nearly 50-year career with the Peacock networks.
After 16 years of being in the anchor chair every day, I want time to do more of what I love the most: for connecting, listening and reporting in the field, especially whoever is elected next week is going to undertake the fundamental task of handling two foreign wars and the political divisions here at home, Mitchell said on Tuesday.
Mitchell will remain with NBC as its chief Washington correspondent and its chief foreign affairs correspondent. In a rare joint statement from four of NBC News Group leaders, the quadrant praised Mitchell as one of the countrys foremost and most trusted experts on foreign policy and domestic politics.
Self delete wrong forum
I CLEARLY remember my 2020 election day mindset. THIS time, it's TWO dragons we need to take down.
I can hear you saying "NO SHIT SHERLOCK" and you'd be 100% correct, but please let this sink in as deeply as it needs to:
YES. We DO need to defeat Trump. No one here needs to be told that.
But EQUALLY...ELON MUSK should NEVER be granted ANY form of power by a U.S. President.
Anyone who's read about what Trump intends to give him and what Musk intends to do with it KNOWS this.
I have gotten to the point where I might actually loathe Musk MORE than Trump, just because Musk is more adept at being a caustic troll. Trump is all over the place, windmills and birds and Arnie's dick and his goddamned "WEAVING" bullshit.
Musk is cruel and more focused on going for the kill shot.
SALON: Musk's "illegal" past doesn't feel like hypocrisy to MAGA -- this is about race, not immigration
REMEMBER "It's the ECONOMY, stupid?"
Well...the issue MAGAts have with "IMMIGRATION" isn't IMMIGRANTS. It's RACE.
Attacks on Puerto Ricans and other native-born citizens made it clear: this is about race, not immigration
Last week, the Washington Post reported that Tesla CEO and Donald Trump super-fan Elon Musk was once, to use the term favored by MAGA, an "illegal." Which is to say, he did what the vast majority of undocumented immigrants do in the U.S. After he traveled here legally, he overstayed a visa and then worked without the legal authorization to do so. Investors were so worried the South African native would be deported that they even stipulated that he obtain legal status in their contracts, creating a paper trail proving his "illegal" status. As for why readers should care, the Post reporters offered a "hypocrisy" frame, noting, "Musk in recent months has amplified the Republican presidential candidates claims that 'open borders' and undocumented immigrants are destroying America."
The MAGA world shrugged, but not because they are especially talented at managing cognitive dissonance. No, they don't see this story as evidence of hypocrisy. I generally loathe semantic debates, but this one matters. The Post reporters assume, incorrectly, that when Musk, Trump and their allies are ranting about "illegals," they mean immigrants who don't have proper documentation to live and work in the U.S. But if you pay attention to how the word is used in context, it's clear Musk and company use "illegals" as a catch-all category for all non-white immigrants, and, increasingly, any native-born American citizen whose skin color or ethnic heritage MAGA dislikes. To MAGA, an undocumented white immigrant is fine. But a legal immigrant with darker skin or even a native-born citizen is an "illegal."
A scan of Musk's relentless tweets on this front illustrates this. A recent middle-of-the-night tweet from Musk screeched about "the magnitude of the illegal voter importation program under Biden-Harris." President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are not "importing" anyone. Other tweets show Musk is alluding to immigrants, most of whom aren't white, who are entering under international asylum laws, which means they have a legal right to be here. This isn't "importing" immigrants, but a government program allowing those with a pre-existing desire to relocate to do so legally. By definition, it's legal.
Nor is Musk alone. Most of the time, when MAGA leaders say "illegals" or "illegal immigrants," they are demonizing legal immigrants. When Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, pushed a lie that Haitian immigrants steal and eat people's pets, they weren't just lying about their behavior. They characterized them as "illegal," even though these folks are part of a government program allowing them to live and work in the U.S. When Vance was corrected during the vice presidential debate by moderator Margaret Brennan, who told viewers the Haitians in question have legal status, Vance whined "You guys werent going to fact-check" so obnoxiously they cut his microphone.
WaPo hemorrhages 200K subscribers, but don't worry...I think Jeff will be OK.
The massive number represents roughly 8 percent of the struggling papers subscriber base.
SO...the Trump campaign says INVITED SPEAKER Hinchcliffe "does not reflect the views of Trump or the campaign"
Hinchcliffe made a series of vile comments about Latinos, Jews and Black people during Trumps rally at Madison Square Garden.
The Trump campaign distanced itself from the remarks Sunday night ― a rare move for a campaign that is almost always unapologetic. This joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign, said Danielle Alvarez, a campaign adviser.
SIMPLE & DIRECT wins 100% of the time. No exceptions. NICELY DONE, President Biden.
I am HEARTBROKEN that Michigan MAGAts were DENIED seeing Trump's Obese Moron "Dance" LIVE. HEARTBROKEN.
Trump, who had been filming an appearance on Joe Rogans podcast in Austin, Texas, earlier in the day, was aware of the delay in schedule, and had to tape a video message for the Traverse City, Michigan, crowd while en route.
Its a Friday night, so we can sit around. Well do an extra special job when we get there, he said on his plane. Were stepping on the gas, but its all about winning, and we had to spend some extra time with some peoplelots of people, actually.
We should land at around 10 p.m., Trump said in the video, which aired just before 8:30 p.m. local time. The listed time for Trumps appearance had been 7:30 p.m.
Judge who tossed Trump's classified docs case on list of proposed candidates for attorney general (CANNON)
A proposed personnel roster circulating within Donald Trump's campaign and transition operation lists Aileen Cannon, the federal judge who threw out Trump's classified documents case, as a possible candidate for attorney general, multiple sources familiar with the matter have told ABC News.
Cannon's name appears on a document reviewed by ABC News titled "Transition Planning: Legal Principals," which lists potential staffing for the White House counsel's office, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and U.S. attorneys' offices, as well as proposed candidates for the top legal positions within multiple government agencies, should Trump be reelected.
The document was drafted by Trump's top advisers with input from Boris Epshteyn, who oversees Trump's legal team and is one of Trump's most trusted advisers, sources familiar with the matter said.
Cannon's name appears second after former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, according to the document reviewed by ABC News, which includes nearly a dozen potential candidates for attorney general. Cannon's name was added to the list well after the classified documents case was thrown out over the summer, the sources said.
WHEN we defeat Trump, how compelled will the media be to continue to "report" on his every bowel movement?
When I was 18 years old, my girlfriend at the time had an uncle who had reached the outer regions of mental illness. Virtually nothing he said made sense beyond the words being in English, and probably not belonging together in the same sentence. It wasn't "funny." It wasn't "entertaining." I don't know if I'd even classify it as "disturbing" was a man in the grip of advanced mental illness who was living in a care facility. We didn't "downplay" it and we didn't make more of it than it was. Uncle Tucker needed to be in a managed care facility for his own safety, and he was. End of story.
I'm holding on to the belief that voters will do what's right, despite the "sane washing" at media outlets we used to be able to trust...The New York Times, especially, but also the Washington Post. I read an article this morning about the NYT, discussing how they firmly kept the focus on "Hillary's emails" in 2016, and not on the dangers of Trump. I'd say they've only gotten worse.
So after we make it through the election...after Trump tries to pull whatever "January 6" stunt he intends to pull...after the MAGAt (formerly "Supreme" ) Court ponders whether they can get away with Bush v Gore II...when the dust settles, and we have President Harris and the next four years ahead of us...every time Trump swoons over a dead golfer's penis and disgusts his widow by doing so, will the media make that a front page headline? Or will Trump eventually fade, with the media turning its back on him?
Profile Information
Name: Miles ArcherGender: Male
Hometown: Hamilton Massachusetts
Home country: USA
Current location: Nevada
Member since: Wed Oct 16, 2013, 06:49 PM
Number of posts: 18,960