Miles Archer
Miles Archer's JournalFormer Trump Assistant explains why Fat Orange Rapist Jesus doesn't need to leave Mar-a-Lago
Mark Lotter, now, on CNN.
Trump doesn't need to leave Mar-a-Lago today for his "address" because "HE HAS JD VANCE OUT THERE "BRACKETING" THE HARRIS CAMPAIGN FOR HIM."
I put on CNN because I didn't want to run into the Andrea Greenspan / Katy Tur tag team but right now CNN might as well be Fox.
"The courts are going to handle that part of it. What we're gonna do is beat him in November."
Well, hold on, she said, holding out her hand as if to placate the crowd in Eau Claire, Wisc. You know what, the courts are going to handle that part of it. What were gonna do is beat him in November.
She laughed, and the crowd roared.
The moment represented the smooth diffusion of a pattern that could begin to look unseemly for the vice president. By Wednesday, calls to lock him up had become a regular occurrence during Harris appearances on the campaign trail, a riff on the lock her up chants that Trumps MAGA rally goers deployed against Hillary Clinton.
This "Tim Walz Pauses His Speech Because Someone Needed Water" thing REALLY drives it all HOME.
I haven't been on DU for a while so we'll see if a link to a tweet in a post actually accomplishes anything. if for some reason you can't see it, someone needed water and medical attention and Tim waits it out and asks if anyone else needs water.
This wouldn't happen at a Trump "rally." THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE, right here. Apply this attitude to the entire gig and you're looking at what Harris and Walz bring to the table.
"Thank you for bringing back the joy..."
Just now, Tim Walz, to Kamala Harris, after she's introduced him.
And that's it, I think, no "I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION" bullshit.
So yes...thank you.
Shapiro certainly knows how to whip up an audience.
I have MSNBC on. I'm loving this. There is no reason why this energy cannot be sustained between now and November. People are hearing what they needed to hear. People can HEAR the air being let out of Trump's tires.
I'm hoping Harris & Walz enlist Shapiro at appearances whenever they can. He's certainly getting this audience ready for the main event.
Trump appears to be "THIS CLOSE" to blowing a freaking GASKET over Harris / Walz.
I don't even want to paraphrase what he's putting out in his Twitter rip-off echo chamber. You've probably seen it. WAY past the Abe Simpson "old man yells at cloud" thing. Conspiracy theory stuff. The kind of thing that emerges from a brain that is, as Jim Morrison put it, "squirming like a toad."
He lost the command of the news cycle and people stopped talking about his teensy weensy ear scratch when Harris announced her candidacy, and now that Walz has been announced, there's no way Trump is going to be "front page news" for a while.
I wonder if he will "BLOW," say something SO crazy and vile and racist and sexist and disgusting that America...not the MAGAts, but most others...say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH."
Walz was a SMART CHOICE by a candidate who's looking at the big picture in 360 degrees
Scarborough did exactly what I expected him to to..."He's not Shapiro, but..."
EVERY POTENTIAL RUNNING MATE had "pluses" and "minuses."
Trump STILL HASN'T RECOVERED from selecting Vance, and probably WON'T. That asshole is going to be a liability right up to election day.
From here to November, I am going to refer to Governor Walz as GOVERNOR WALZ, and NOT "but he's not Shapiro."
"Agree to both, with ABC debate first to prevent Trump from pulling a fast one"
Appearing on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon with host Alex Witt, ex-Rep Dave Jolly (R-FL) claimed the ex-president's campaign continues to show it is in disarray as his inner circle tries to push for an alternative debate hosted by Fox News instead of one already slated for ABC.
Agreeing with his fellow panelists that there could be two debates, Jolly suggested Harris should agree to doing both, but with the Fox News event second to prevent the embattled former president from pulling a fast one and canceling the ABC appearance.
1 Rape, 26 Sexual Assault Allegations, Affairs In All 3 Marriages...but let's talk about Kamala's husband instead.
The MAGAts are desperately turning over every rock to assist Trump in NOT running on his "record." The Swift Boating of Harris will only get worse.
The fact that Doug Emhoff has admitted that he had an affair during his marriage to his first wife Kerstin is irrelevant to me at this point.
"Team Trump" is going to try to make it a deal-breaker and run with it.
I am hoping voters are smart enough to not bite at the bait on that hook.
TAKE A MOMENT to SAVOR what happens if Kamala's VP shows up at the Sept 10 Debate and Trump DOESN'T.
I read Trump's statement about Brett Baier and Martha McCallum from Fox moderating his "proposed" debate, "WITH A FULL ARENA AUDIENCE!
" and ASSUMED a response from the Harris campaign would be forthcoming, but Dear GOD...
It then added, "He needs to stop playing games and show up to the debate he already committed to on Sept. 10. The Vice President will be there one way or the other to take the opportunity to speak to a prime time national audience"
The statement also referred to the ex-president as "Mr. Anytime, anywhere, anyplace" and added he "should have no problem with that unless he's too scared to show up on the 10th."
THAT is THREE DIMENSIONAL CHESS, folks. "Donald Trump was scheduled to be here tonight, but he was afraid." The Republicans will be out of their element when it comes to spinning THAT.
Profile Information
Name: Miles ArcherGender: Male
Hometown: Hamilton Massachusetts
Home country: USA
Current location: Nevada
Member since: Wed Oct 16, 2013, 06:49 PM
Number of posts: 18,960