PumpkinAle's JournalThe Season To Tell Big, Honking Lies: More `War On Christmas' Calumny From The Far Right
The Season To Tell Big, Honking Lies: More `War On Christmas' Calumny From The Far Right By Rob Boston, 2013-12-05 10:27:57
that a public school in Bulloch County, Ga., had banned Christmas cards.
According to the Beck site, this was done because earlier this year Americans United had demanded that the school order teachers to "curtail religious expression while teaching."The story was soon appearing on right-wing blogs and making a splash on social media. There was a big problem with it, however: It wasn't true.
For the Cat Lovers - Purr-fect Prowlers
I wasn't sure where to post this, so if this is the wrong place could someone move it to where it should be - thank you.
Nov 13, 2013 by Katherine A. Thichava
Did you know that not all cats hate water? The Fishing Cat loves the wet and calls marshes and streams prime hunting ground.
The Fishing Cat and the Margay are two deadly hunters that do their best work at night thanks to sensitive hearing and large eyes. These beautiful cats use stealth and cunning to catch their meals rather than strength or size.
Click on the video to learn more about these two cats.
Medium Reading
Hello All,
I had a reading the other day and thought I would share a couple of things with you all and get your insights.
It was a phone reading and I had met the medium in person a couple of times just in passing.
She concentrated more on my guides and guardian angels rather than my family/friends that are in Spirit.
Once thing she said to me was that I had lived 54 lives on earth - can that be right?
I always thought that you were here to learn and may be live a few lives, but 54 - am I a dullard or what?
She said I had potential to be a medium and should learn. She did not push lessons, but does do them.
I was all excited but now I am doubting this. Have any of you been to a medium and what was your experience?
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